My mind keeps wandering back to God's grace. I don't know what He wants me to think about or for me to say, but I keep thinking about it. I think it is the most powerful force in the world. Whenever I concentrate on the magnitude of His grace, mercy, or sacrifice, and start to barely grasp the cusp of any of those qualities, I am overwhelmed with emotion. It truly is too much to bear and that's why God doesn't place it all on our hearts. Which leads me to our burdens that Christ bears for us, and paid for on the cross. The magnitude of the entire wrath of God, paying for all sin everywhere. Is far too much for any normal person to bear. There is no way for me to begin to describe how much all of this is. Yet Christ did it for all of us, even for people who wouldn't give Him the time of day.
I guess this is the purpose of this post. All the qualities of God, are truly unimaginable to man. His holiness, His glory, His love is more than we can even think of. It is amazing and ever deserving of praise. That is what I try to focus on during Christmas. If you are having trouble with the distractions of the holidays, slow down and focus on one simple aspect of Christ. Whether it be His sacrifice, His grace, or His love. Plead with God, ask Him to show you how it feels. When He gives you a taste you will be overcome with emotion. How can I not live for someone who loves me so much and has sacrificed for me so much? I owe it to Him and His everlasting love to serve Him.
I know none of that is scientific evidence. I know none of that is hard fact. But I know in my heart what I feel. Sure that's nothing solid to go off of. But if you don't know Jesus, why not take that chance? All I know is that life is hard, and we all have our problems. Life is definitely better with Christ, than without Him. If you don't know God, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. I urge you, investigate Christ's claims. See what this whole God thing is all about. It is Christmas after all. Seek Him and He will reveal himself to you. Just give it a shot, I know in my heart you won't come out for the worse.
Winter Break
I'm finally done with classes for the semester. I started the Christmas celebration by driving down to Shannon's dad's house. All the kids are here, and it's been fun to hang out with everyone. We all went to Disney last night for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas. It was pretty cool, not that crowded and not that hot. The girls got a new video camera, which I used to document our travels. I'll try to get a video up later.
We head home on Sunday. I will be sitting in my dad's blue chair doing as little as possible. Come visit if you like, but it's going to be hard to get me out of that chair.
We head home on Sunday. I will be sitting in my dad's blue chair doing as little as possible. Come visit if you like, but it's going to be hard to get me out of that chair.
Finals are coming up during the next couple of weeks. I've spent all day studying, and its been as fun as it sounds. I keep telling myself its almost Christmas break! Alright, I have to get back to it.
The Gift Revolution part 2
I'm continuing the Revolution!
Craig, 18, Gainesville, US
I was going to the bookstore today to pick up a study guide for one of my classes. This is a big class, with several hundred students in it, and this is the best study guide. Plus, with finals next week, these things are flying off the shelf. So I picked two up, and when I went to pay, I asked the cashier if she would do me a favor and give one of the study guides I just paid for and a TGR card to the next person looking to buy that study guide. She was a little confused at first and asked, "You want to give one away?" I told her I did, and then she went on about how nice that was. I told her I was just trying to make the world a better place and to check out the website. I hope this helps someone in my class and they pass it on.
Craig, 18, Gainesville, US
I was going to the bookstore today to pick up a study guide for one of my classes. This is a big class, with several hundred students in it, and this is the best study guide. Plus, with finals next week, these things are flying off the shelf. So I picked two up, and when I went to pay, I asked the cashier if she would do me a favor and give one of the study guides I just paid for and a TGR card to the next person looking to buy that study guide. She was a little confused at first and asked, "You want to give one away?" I told her I did, and then she went on about how nice that was. I told her I was just trying to make the world a better place and to check out the website. I hope this helps someone in my class and they pass it on.
Strength in Numbers
So, I was reading today and came across a lot of verses that seemed to be pointing me in one direction. I read in Proverbs 4:23, "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." It got me thinking of the whole garbage in, garbage out philosophy. That if you take junk into your life, you're going to spit it back out. This could be with the music you listen to, TV you watch, or the company you keep. I love praise music and there is a lot of far out stuff on TV, however, I don't think that is an excuse for us Christians to make ourselves a little wholesome bubble and only listen to Christian radio and watch the 700 Club. We need to stay in touch with the world, to stay in touch with reality, so that we can be relevant to non believers. I do think this verse hits home when applying it to the company you keep. If you bring the wrong people close to your heart there is no describing the depths of the pain you could encounter. Its really making me long for a strong body of believers up here. I know they are here, I just haven't found them yet.
It frustrates me, because I know I could be doing so much more for Christ if I had a support group behind me. I know that I don't need one, I know that I can do all things through Him, but one of my human weaknesses is that by myself I can be timid. Sure to some I seem like an extrovert, but in a campus of 50,000 strangers, some extremely far from God, I can get intimidated. It's almost laughable how little I talk about God or church up here, whereas this summer I was talking to strangers about church on a street corner in Lima. Just because I had some people with me doing the same thing.
I do not think life is meant to be done alone. Even the Bible talks about strength in numbers, comparing people to a rope. I believe that is what the heart of the church is. A group of people trying to live for God, together. We can accomplish so much more as a team than as an individual. We are all members of one body, and Paul stresses that we go towards the kingdom of heaven in unity.
I think sometimes we forget about what we're here for and what the church is for. Sometimes we make it about deep theological insight, or a self help service. Neither is bad, but its not Jesus. I think believers grow in their spiritual walk and forget what drew them in to begin with, Jesus. We think we need a bigger building, more lights, louder music, we forget that we need to rely on Jesus. I think this is a huge cause of people getting too big for themselves in ministries or other positions. When it becomes more about how well you preached, how well you sang, how well you played guitar, and less about Jesus, we're doing something wrong.
I know I'm rambling, but I guess all I'm saying is that we need to work together. Believers need to join together as much as they can, they need to put away personal aims, glory, and accolades, and look to the Father for direction. Sure one person can make a difference, but the whole body of Christ going in one direction, for one purpose, in Holy Unity? That's what changes the world.
It frustrates me, because I know I could be doing so much more for Christ if I had a support group behind me. I know that I don't need one, I know that I can do all things through Him, but one of my human weaknesses is that by myself I can be timid. Sure to some I seem like an extrovert, but in a campus of 50,000 strangers, some extremely far from God, I can get intimidated. It's almost laughable how little I talk about God or church up here, whereas this summer I was talking to strangers about church on a street corner in Lima. Just because I had some people with me doing the same thing.
I do not think life is meant to be done alone. Even the Bible talks about strength in numbers, comparing people to a rope. I believe that is what the heart of the church is. A group of people trying to live for God, together. We can accomplish so much more as a team than as an individual. We are all members of one body, and Paul stresses that we go towards the kingdom of heaven in unity.
I think sometimes we forget about what we're here for and what the church is for. Sometimes we make it about deep theological insight, or a self help service. Neither is bad, but its not Jesus. I think believers grow in their spiritual walk and forget what drew them in to begin with, Jesus. We think we need a bigger building, more lights, louder music, we forget that we need to rely on Jesus. I think this is a huge cause of people getting too big for themselves in ministries or other positions. When it becomes more about how well you preached, how well you sang, how well you played guitar, and less about Jesus, we're doing something wrong.
I know I'm rambling, but I guess all I'm saying is that we need to work together. Believers need to join together as much as they can, they need to put away personal aims, glory, and accolades, and look to the Father for direction. Sure one person can make a difference, but the whole body of Christ going in one direction, for one purpose, in Holy Unity? That's what changes the world.
The Gift Revolution
If you haven't been up on the Gift Revolution. Get on it! I started one today in Gainesville and posted about it on the website:
We're trying to change the world. Go check out the site and see some of the cool stories, I'll post my entry here as well.
Craig, 18, Gainesville, US
I walked into the dining hall today on campus and paid for my meal. I also told the lady working the register that I wanted to pay for the next person in line and handed her a Gift Revolution Card. She was confused and almost looked concerned, like I was crazy. She eventually came around and agreed. I went to get some food, and I was with my room mate. He asked me what that was all about, and I told him about On top of that, the lady from the register came over and also wanted to know why I did that. I was able to tell her about our church, and she invited me to her church up here. I told her I would visit sometime, and for her to check out It's crazy how such a simple act of kindness can stir up so much attention.
We're trying to change the world. Go check out the site and see some of the cool stories, I'll post my entry here as well.
Craig, 18, Gainesville, US
I walked into the dining hall today on campus and paid for my meal. I also told the lady working the register that I wanted to pay for the next person in line and handed her a Gift Revolution Card. She was confused and almost looked concerned, like I was crazy. She eventually came around and agreed. I went to get some food, and I was with my room mate. He asked me what that was all about, and I told him about On top of that, the lady from the register came over and also wanted to know why I did that. I was able to tell her about our church, and she invited me to her church up here. I told her I would visit sometime, and for her to check out It's crazy how such a simple act of kindness can stir up so much attention.
back home from the down home
i drove back up to gainesville monday. luckily missing most of the holiday traffic, the day before. thanksgiving was great. as a broke college student, there are very few things that make me more excited than lots of free food. so i pigged out on turkey and hung out with my family all weekend. i spent a lot of time with shannon, and watched her sing at theRUSH. she has some serious talent, i know i'm biased, but still. after thanksgiving, our family turns right around in support of the next holiday. we went out and got our christmas tree, and decked out the house in lights. its fun for the first 10 minutes, then you just kind of want to be done. but it looks good. but like i said, i drove up to g ville the next day, and had classes all tuesday. now is my day off, and i'm studying for finals coming up. its weird to think that my first college semester is already in the books, and how i'm so used to this lifestyle after a few months. its really not too bad, and its only going to get better. thats about all thats going on in my life. i plan to update on a random topic sometime later this week, if i get around to it. thanks for reading.
things going on in my head
hey everybody, i was just reading, and had some things running through my head
- if you know God, do you think about how lucky you are to have been called by Him, to Him? without Him initiating this loving relationship and calling you at one point or another, you would still be out there, lost, and searching.
- are you like me? do you wish sometimes you could just say, "hey God run my life." or at least have the strength/focus/intelligence to rely on God 24/7?
- i was reading in 2 Samuel about the amazing friendship between david and jonathan. i was wondering why this isn't brought up more when people are looking at how to deal with relationships. especially when people aren't sure of what to aim for in a friendship. this is an amazing example of genuine love, care, and self sacrifice for a true friend. go check it out.
- one of my prayer requests is that i can find where God is at work up here. where he is really present and growing a community of Christians. i want to find that place and join them.
- sometimes i can beat myself up over past mistakes, feeling distant to God, feeling like i don't pray enough, read my Bible enough, and the like. but what i have to remind myself is that God doesn't love me any less because of these things. His love for me can not change, and that it is always a joyous occasion when i go to Him. He knows i am imperfect, but still He has given everything to me in our relationship. He knows i deserve nothing but through his amazing grace i have everything. i think if i could fully grasp that. how much God has given me, how much He has done for me, how much He loves me, i would be closer to Him than ever imaginable. i encourage everyone out there to stop thinking that is impossible. go try and attain that. focus on His love, His grace, His eternal giving. and when you think you've thought about it too much, think about it more. there is no way it won't have a positive impact on you.
anyways... that's what's going on in my head.
- if you know God, do you think about how lucky you are to have been called by Him, to Him? without Him initiating this loving relationship and calling you at one point or another, you would still be out there, lost, and searching.
- are you like me? do you wish sometimes you could just say, "hey God run my life." or at least have the strength/focus/intelligence to rely on God 24/7?
- i was reading in 2 Samuel about the amazing friendship between david and jonathan. i was wondering why this isn't brought up more when people are looking at how to deal with relationships. especially when people aren't sure of what to aim for in a friendship. this is an amazing example of genuine love, care, and self sacrifice for a true friend. go check it out.
- one of my prayer requests is that i can find where God is at work up here. where he is really present and growing a community of Christians. i want to find that place and join them.
- sometimes i can beat myself up over past mistakes, feeling distant to God, feeling like i don't pray enough, read my Bible enough, and the like. but what i have to remind myself is that God doesn't love me any less because of these things. His love for me can not change, and that it is always a joyous occasion when i go to Him. He knows i am imperfect, but still He has given everything to me in our relationship. He knows i deserve nothing but through his amazing grace i have everything. i think if i could fully grasp that. how much God has given me, how much He has done for me, how much He loves me, i would be closer to Him than ever imaginable. i encourage everyone out there to stop thinking that is impossible. go try and attain that. focus on His love, His grace, His eternal giving. and when you think you've thought about it too much, think about it more. there is no way it won't have a positive impact on you.
anyways... that's what's going on in my head.
judas iscariot's death
here's something cool i learned about recently. i had a question regarding exactly how judas iscariot (the dude who betrayed Jesus) died. in the book of matthew it says he hung himself, in acts it said his guts spilled out. so i took the question to my cousin who just graduated seminary. here is his answer:
Luke's account of Peter's speech in Acts should be seen as supplementary to Matthew's account and not contradictory. As you have noted, Matthew records that Judas returned the money to the chief priests and then went and hung himself. In Acts, Luke records Peter's message with Judas as the buyer of the field. Remember in Matthew that the chief priests would not accept the money and put it in the temple, so the money still belonged in Judas's name. They used Judas' money to buy the field, so indirectly Judas is the buyer of the field.
Luke leaves out the phrase that he hung himself and only mentions that he fell headlong and burst open in the middle and his intestines spilled out. We deduce from what we know in Matthew (that he hung himself) that the falling headlong was a result of being hung - either the rope broke from the weight of the hanging or someone cut it down. Also deduced is that Judas died on the field that the chief priests brought, and the people hearing about Judas gross death referred to it as field of blood (according to Luke's account). From Matthew's perspective, it was called field of blood because it was purchased with blood money.
Conclusion: Matthew's and Luke's account are not contradictory, but rather supplementary - we get a fuller picture when both are placed side by side.
i thought that was a convincing answer. plus, hes a pretty smart guy.
Luke's account of Peter's speech in Acts should be seen as supplementary to Matthew's account and not contradictory. As you have noted, Matthew records that Judas returned the money to the chief priests and then went and hung himself. In Acts, Luke records Peter's message with Judas as the buyer of the field. Remember in Matthew that the chief priests would not accept the money and put it in the temple, so the money still belonged in Judas's name. They used Judas' money to buy the field, so indirectly Judas is the buyer of the field.
Luke leaves out the phrase that he hung himself and only mentions that he fell headlong and burst open in the middle and his intestines spilled out. We deduce from what we know in Matthew (that he hung himself) that the falling headlong was a result of being hung - either the rope broke from the weight of the hanging or someone cut it down. Also deduced is that Judas died on the field that the chief priests brought, and the people hearing about Judas gross death referred to it as field of blood (according to Luke's account). From Matthew's perspective, it was called field of blood because it was purchased with blood money.
Conclusion: Matthew's and Luke's account are not contradictory, but rather supplementary - we get a fuller picture when both are placed side by side.
i thought that was a convincing answer. plus, hes a pretty smart guy.
veterans day
hey everybody, sorry i haven't updated in quite a while. i guess i could tell you all i've been busy with other stuff, or just haven't found the time. but to be honest, nothing that interesting has happened to me. i've spent the last month up in gainesville, and haven't seen shannon in that span. most of my time up here goes to class, homework, the gym, then doing a whole lot of nothing. school stuff is good though, i was able to get ahead since i didn't have anything to distract me, and i'm pulling pretty good grades, so that's the plus. my pitiful loneliness is the downside. i'm just kidding, its not that bad.
anyway, to the better. with veteran's day and my awesome schedule, i ended up with a 6 day weekend. i used this to travel. i went home and visited with the family. the babies are getting bigger everyday, they make a lot more noise and laugh a lot more so that's cool. my sister is in the process for some big positive transitions, so thats good. and my parents are the same as they've been for the past 30 years.
i also got the chance to go see shannon, which is always a blast. long distance relationships are hard. but i have learned to really enjoy my time with her because of our situation. we did a whole lot of nothing this weekend. we hung out, watched tv, she did some homework, we went to church, and just relaxed. it was great to recharge and just be with her. i love her company and miss her as a friend, and as my girlfriend. but God has a bigger plan in the end, and this is just a step.
so that's whats been going on in my life if you were wondering, i'll try to put something deep up in a little bit.
thanks for reading.
anyway, to the better. with veteran's day and my awesome schedule, i ended up with a 6 day weekend. i used this to travel. i went home and visited with the family. the babies are getting bigger everyday, they make a lot more noise and laugh a lot more so that's cool. my sister is in the process for some big positive transitions, so thats good. and my parents are the same as they've been for the past 30 years.
i also got the chance to go see shannon, which is always a blast. long distance relationships are hard. but i have learned to really enjoy my time with her because of our situation. we did a whole lot of nothing this weekend. we hung out, watched tv, she did some homework, we went to church, and just relaxed. it was great to recharge and just be with her. i love her company and miss her as a friend, and as my girlfriend. but God has a bigger plan in the end, and this is just a step.
so that's whats been going on in my life if you were wondering, i'll try to put something deep up in a little bit.
thanks for reading.
college food
i love college, but one thing i'm not too fond of is the small menu i'm currently living off of. my choices each meal consist of peanut butter and jelly sandwich, turkey sandwich, mac and cheese, or chicken noodle soup. anybody have any suggestions for some good college foods?
thoughts running through my head
i can't sleep tonight.
shannon visited this weekend, she left this afternoon. those are always the hardest days. long distance relationships are hard, i can't say otherwise. i feel like i get updates on her life throughout the day, not like i'm doing life with her.
i have this drifting feeling today, kind of empty, almost anchor-less. probably from being sad about shannon leaving.
there is always a chance for joy, and when these days come, and i actually remember to go to God, i always feel closer to Him than before.
so in a way these days are good.
i'm in awe about how much life experiences teach you about yourself, God, and faith. i feel like new ways to connect to Christ are opened every day if you are willing to look.
this day has seemed hectic and sad, but since i quit trying to sleep, i feel peaceful and happier.
i'm not sure this post has a point, but i'm also not sure that's a bad thing.
i was reminded again today, the direct link between consistency in my quiet time and how that leads to good things happening. why don't i put the ball in God's hands more?
i'm also pretty sure people busier with jobs and stuff don't have this much time to think. again, i don't know if thats such a good thing.
i like to think a lot of people think about the same problems and dilemmas as i do, but just don't post it on the internet.
i'm constantly impatient when it comes to waiting for God's plans to be revealed, and to wait on His perfect timing.
i believe that true humility is hard to grasp and that my search for it falls short for different reasons all because i don't depend on God enough to achieve it. the danger is that i think pride is the root of every other sin.
i've been thinking a lot about influence lately, how i've been shaped, and how i can shape other people positively.
i want to help someone, even when i did today, it turned into personal pride. i long to be a servant God will use to glorify His name through, yet i worry i'll try to steal the thunder.
i'm truly falling in love with the consistent peace in my heart, only experienced through saving grace.
i think this post is, once again, more for me than anyone else, but i thank you who give me some of your time and read it.
shannon visited this weekend, she left this afternoon. those are always the hardest days. long distance relationships are hard, i can't say otherwise. i feel like i get updates on her life throughout the day, not like i'm doing life with her.
i have this drifting feeling today, kind of empty, almost anchor-less. probably from being sad about shannon leaving.
there is always a chance for joy, and when these days come, and i actually remember to go to God, i always feel closer to Him than before.
so in a way these days are good.
i'm in awe about how much life experiences teach you about yourself, God, and faith. i feel like new ways to connect to Christ are opened every day if you are willing to look.
this day has seemed hectic and sad, but since i quit trying to sleep, i feel peaceful and happier.
i'm not sure this post has a point, but i'm also not sure that's a bad thing.
i was reminded again today, the direct link between consistency in my quiet time and how that leads to good things happening. why don't i put the ball in God's hands more?
i'm also pretty sure people busier with jobs and stuff don't have this much time to think. again, i don't know if thats such a good thing.
i like to think a lot of people think about the same problems and dilemmas as i do, but just don't post it on the internet.
i'm constantly impatient when it comes to waiting for God's plans to be revealed, and to wait on His perfect timing.
i believe that true humility is hard to grasp and that my search for it falls short for different reasons all because i don't depend on God enough to achieve it. the danger is that i think pride is the root of every other sin.
i've been thinking a lot about influence lately, how i've been shaped, and how i can shape other people positively.
i want to help someone, even when i did today, it turned into personal pride. i long to be a servant God will use to glorify His name through, yet i worry i'll try to steal the thunder.
i'm truly falling in love with the consistent peace in my heart, only experienced through saving grace.
i think this post is, once again, more for me than anyone else, but i thank you who give me some of your time and read it.
is anybody else excited for the NBA season? this year is gonna be crazy. i'm a heat fan and nobody has any idea of how they're gonna do. dwayne wade is back in top shape, after the olympics he's roling, marion will be a good stat guy, and beasley is crazy talented and could be rookie of the year. the thing is we could still miss the playoffs. thats just nuts. thats what i love about the NBA, one player can change a whole team like no other sport.
we were the worst team in the league last year, and now we're two players away from a championship. all we need is a center and a point guard. maybe we can ship marion for a stud at one of those positions, and fill in a different swing man for marion. he's old, and we need more talent to build with. thats the thing, we have three great forwards, but a lot of people say point guard and center are the most important positions on the court. the celtics didn't have a true point guard or center last year, and they won it all. but then again KG is dominant enough to make up for a lack of center. we'll see, i'm just excited that we're building and contending again.
d wade is back to superstar form, beasley can be a beast, marion is talent we have the ability to make some moves, and some money to get a couple players in the off season. i'm telling you, next year we could be back.
we were the worst team in the league last year, and now we're two players away from a championship. all we need is a center and a point guard. maybe we can ship marion for a stud at one of those positions, and fill in a different swing man for marion. he's old, and we need more talent to build with. thats the thing, we have three great forwards, but a lot of people say point guard and center are the most important positions on the court. the celtics didn't have a true point guard or center last year, and they won it all. but then again KG is dominant enough to make up for a lack of center. we'll see, i'm just excited that we're building and contending again.
d wade is back to superstar form, beasley can be a beast, marion is talent we have the ability to make some moves, and some money to get a couple players in the off season. i'm telling you, next year we could be back.
understanding sin
Today I was reading about Paul's take on sin. The concept is so huge, that it's hard to wrap my head around. Praise the Lord, that we are free from sin, and that sin's power is broken once we are joined with Christ.
The hard part to get is that although we are free from sin, and it doesn't control us, as humans we still have a sinful nature. Due to this sinful nature, we do what is wrong. This is really depressing, because even when I want to do right, my flesh is pulling me to do what is wrong. The way I have broken it down is that my skin always wants to do wrong, even though I am no longer forced to do wrong. Because of Jesus, I have another option which wasn't there before, the option to do right. The power of God is able to break the chains of sin, but the reason I keep sinning and giving into my flesh is because I don't call on God enough. The reason I don't call on God enough is because of my sinful desires.
It is comforting to read what Paul says about this in Romans, he says that sin uses the law to put evil desires in us. Once we know what is right, sin then uses that to tempt us to do what we now know is wrong. I know its confusing, but try and bear with me. Paul says that since he knows what he is doing is wrong, it shows that he agrees that the law is good, and that he is not the one doing what is wrong, it is the sin within him.
This doesn't mean we can just accept the fact that we're going to sin and do it without thought. We must fight it, go to God more, and break these chains. That is the only way to get closer to God. God uses people that are close to Him to do amazing things.
I know this is a confusing subject, and I know this blog is probably more for me than anyone else, and probably very hard to understand due to me writing in circles. But I felt like God shed a little light on the subject for me, and that I should share. Who knows, maybe this will help somebody.
The hard part to get is that although we are free from sin, and it doesn't control us, as humans we still have a sinful nature. Due to this sinful nature, we do what is wrong. This is really depressing, because even when I want to do right, my flesh is pulling me to do what is wrong. The way I have broken it down is that my skin always wants to do wrong, even though I am no longer forced to do wrong. Because of Jesus, I have another option which wasn't there before, the option to do right. The power of God is able to break the chains of sin, but the reason I keep sinning and giving into my flesh is because I don't call on God enough. The reason I don't call on God enough is because of my sinful desires.
It is comforting to read what Paul says about this in Romans, he says that sin uses the law to put evil desires in us. Once we know what is right, sin then uses that to tempt us to do what we now know is wrong. I know its confusing, but try and bear with me. Paul says that since he knows what he is doing is wrong, it shows that he agrees that the law is good, and that he is not the one doing what is wrong, it is the sin within him.
This doesn't mean we can just accept the fact that we're going to sin and do it without thought. We must fight it, go to God more, and break these chains. That is the only way to get closer to God. God uses people that are close to Him to do amazing things.
I know this is a confusing subject, and I know this blog is probably more for me than anyone else, and probably very hard to understand due to me writing in circles. But I felt like God shed a little light on the subject for me, and that I should share. Who knows, maybe this will help somebody.
home and back again
so i went home this weekend. i dipped earlier than expected because i had mid terms, so a couple of classes were canceled. i went down and surprised shannon, it was pretty good, i got her to go outside expecting to see a comet, but instead she got me. so i just sat in her dorm for a couple of days while she went to class, and then we went home on thursday night. it was fun, but definitely busier being home than in gainesville. i got to hang out with my family, and my little nieces. i was surprised how big they'd gotten since i left, especially kayla's head (its ginormous). i hung out at church a lot, got to see theRUSH and help out. i even saw sawgrass youth doing theRUSH and it looked good. the kids seemed excited and going to one service has definitely created a lot of energy. i left today, which is always a horrible day. leaving day is emotional and generally sad. but i made the long drive back up to school and realized how different it is.
its weird, i feel at home in gainesville, relaxed and adjusted. but its still not home. i guess it never will be. going home this weekend wore me out more than if i would have stayed up here. but there was a lot of positives from going home. looking back this weekend wasn't as "easy" as i thought it would be. i was busy, had to see a lot of people, experienced a few changes, and had some hard conversations. but i think i'm the better for it. me and shannon really grew closer this trip and had some important conversations. stuff that we'll both have to adjust to, but will make us stronger. life is full of adjustment. its not always easy, but we can always rely on God to ease our burdens. i'm trying to stay focused on Him, i know i say that a lot. but i feel like every day you have to renew yourself and refocus on where He is at work. i'm starting to ramble, time for me to get off.
its weird, i feel at home in gainesville, relaxed and adjusted. but its still not home. i guess it never will be. going home this weekend wore me out more than if i would have stayed up here. but there was a lot of positives from going home. looking back this weekend wasn't as "easy" as i thought it would be. i was busy, had to see a lot of people, experienced a few changes, and had some hard conversations. but i think i'm the better for it. me and shannon really grew closer this trip and had some important conversations. stuff that we'll both have to adjust to, but will make us stronger. life is full of adjustment. its not always easy, but we can always rely on God to ease our burdens. i'm trying to stay focused on Him, i know i say that a lot. but i feel like every day you have to renew yourself and refocus on where He is at work. i'm starting to ramble, time for me to get off.
this is life huh?
today was a great day despite the gators loss. simple and enjoyable. i woke up and went to church, and realized i found my church all along. i just happened to go to it first. but i went back today and realized how much i liked it. that just started it off. i made some friends, real Godly kids who are in the same position as me. wanting to get plugged in, figuring stuff out. i came back and caught up on some much needed sleep then kept hammering away at school. (i aced two tests this week! ballin') things are going good right now and i'm just trying to soak it all in. the pinnacle moment was when i was walking back to my dorm and looking up at the huge oaks shading me, the tall brick buildings, and i realized this is what its like to be on your own. trust me, thats a very cool moment.
i constantly find myself just thanking God for everything that is going right right now. sure, things aren't perfect. but i'm trying not to dwell on whats wrong. phillippians 4:6 states "worry about nothing, pray about everything." it sounds impossible, but i'm gonna try. if we constantly rejoice in Him, it has to evoke a response of love in our hearts right? it sounds right to me. i'm gonna give it a shot.
things are going good so far. i have another two tests in these next two weeks, then i'm going to come home for a few days. i'm looking forward to that, it will be cool to see whats changed in the couple months i've been gone. i can't wait to see shannon again, my family, my nieces. look me up when i visit.
i constantly find myself just thanking God for everything that is going right right now. sure, things aren't perfect. but i'm trying not to dwell on whats wrong. phillippians 4:6 states "worry about nothing, pray about everything." it sounds impossible, but i'm gonna try. if we constantly rejoice in Him, it has to evoke a response of love in our hearts right? it sounds right to me. i'm gonna give it a shot.
things are going good so far. i have another two tests in these next two weeks, then i'm going to come home for a few days. i'm looking forward to that, it will be cool to see whats changed in the couple months i've been gone. i can't wait to see shannon again, my family, my nieces. look me up when i visit.
dolphins win!
the dolphins just beat the new england patriots. not by a little. not by a fluke play. they just came in, played smashmouth football, and beat em soundly. its not often that you can be excited to be a dolphins fan, but today is one of those days. go dolphins! woo!
Still Unemployed
so i got replies back from all the churches i sent my resume to, to be a youth pastor. all of them said they had filled the position, one said they filled the position only a few weeks ago. but i am not depressed or saddened about it in any way. i put it all in God's hands. i was really nervous about applying, and the possibilities of what would happen, and how it would affect me. but i figured it was my job to apply, and God's job to put me where He wants me. i feel like a burden was lifted, because now i dont have to choose to take a job or not, or where to go, or what my hours will be like, or if i can handle it with school, or if i will be able to go back home. now i'm looking for a place where i can intern or just volunteer. there are plenty of places up here where i can make an impact. and a lot of places that could use some new thought and vision about how to bring kids to His Kingdom. but i see it as God telling me to stay focused on school, and that i need to learn more skills before i can serve Him and create the best ministry He can make through me. so the search continues...
another tuesday
so i'm now entering the long haul of school. for the next month and a half i will be up in G'ville with no trips to see shannon, and no trips home or anything. everything is good, school is manageable at the moment. and i'm really zoning in on my stuff to do. i'm excited about the possible ministry opportunities and in a way, planting my roots in gainesville. we'll see how it goes. i'm just praying that God puts me in the right place. if i get one of those jobs as a pastor then i will have to stay up here year round, and i was looking forward to some easy BCC credits, and learning some skills (specifically tech, lights, and slides) at FRC over the summer. but its not in my hands, so we'll see what happens. keep praying for me, wisdom, faith, and direction. i love all you guys, and i'm looking at coming home late october-early november. see you then!
faith and politics
i just watched a little bit of Rick Warren's civil forum, where he got both Barack Obama and John McCain to come and sit down with him at his church. he asked some pointed questions and they both gave good answers. it was an interesting piece and it shed some light on where these candidates stand on faith charged issues. i encourage you to check out before you vote.
so i just got back from math class, which was a struggle, because last night i couldn't sleep at all. i tossed and turned til about 4 in the morning. i had a lot of things running through my head, i dont want to sound all super holy, but i had a lot of ministry ideas in mind. i was getting excited about the possibilities of it all. hopefully God will provide a place that i can pour out into, soon. i can't wait to be part of a ministry again and watch it grow. right now, i have a little time for a short nap before history, so i should capitalize on it.
so today i got up to go to church. i was trying a new one, still looking for one that fits. anyways, i go out to my truck and find some hot dog buns and burger wrappers left on my hood. i guess with the game yesterday, some people in the parking lot decided to take advantage of my truck as a party spot. i was a little upset, but theres nothing i can do about it now. so i clean off the hood and head off to church. i drive out to this little town north of gainesville and go to this old baptist church. it was good, there is a large congregation and what they're doing there is clearly working for some people. but it wasn't for me. i was a little disappointed, but that's life. next week i continue my quest to find a church. i was walking out to the parking lot and when i got up to my truck, i saw an old lady look at it and shake her head in disgust. i was a little confused, i didn't know why my unassuming truck would offend this lady. well, i put the truck in reverse and when i turned around to look out the back window, i saw a mountain of beer cans in the bed of my truck! i guess those people decided to use my bed as a trash can and i completely missed it when i was cleaning up. at that point, there was nothing i could do but laugh.
preach social change
i just got back from an FCA meeting, its a christian group on campus. and the preacher mentioned this phrase, "preach social change"
i got to thinking about how important this is. if we preach social change. if we use the Word of God and preach about Him for social change toward His will. if people grasped that, if we all were centered in His will, if we were doing what he said we ought to. how amazing would that be?
it is such a big concept that i think a lot of preachers don't like to focus on such large and abstract ideals. don't get me wrong, the focused sermons on specific ways to improve your life are invaluable to me. but i think that we always need to take a look at the big picture and reenergize each other, the congregation, and the global church, and remind everyone what we're striving for. heaven on earth.
if we live the life that God wants us to, and we do what He has in mind for us, if we can affect the little bit of world around us. then, people around you can affect the world around them, and so on. this leads to a revolution in thinking, and global attitude.
its an amazing thought that we have the key to change the world, but we can't seem to do it yet. we have to buy in to the philosophy and strive to reach perfection.
yes, we are human and will come across failures, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't try. changing the world is a long process, but a million mile journey starts with a single, first step.
if we can start an altruistic revolution, we can radically change the world toward God's original design, and trust me when i say that world would be a better place.
i got to thinking about how important this is. if we preach social change. if we use the Word of God and preach about Him for social change toward His will. if people grasped that, if we all were centered in His will, if we were doing what he said we ought to. how amazing would that be?
it is such a big concept that i think a lot of preachers don't like to focus on such large and abstract ideals. don't get me wrong, the focused sermons on specific ways to improve your life are invaluable to me. but i think that we always need to take a look at the big picture and reenergize each other, the congregation, and the global church, and remind everyone what we're striving for. heaven on earth.
if we live the life that God wants us to, and we do what He has in mind for us, if we can affect the little bit of world around us. then, people around you can affect the world around them, and so on. this leads to a revolution in thinking, and global attitude.
its an amazing thought that we have the key to change the world, but we can't seem to do it yet. we have to buy in to the philosophy and strive to reach perfection.
yes, we are human and will come across failures, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't try. changing the world is a long process, but a million mile journey starts with a single, first step.
if we can start an altruistic revolution, we can radically change the world toward God's original design, and trust me when i say that world would be a better place.
i hate tuesdays.
so today is my full day, i have 6 hours of class spread out across the day from 8 am to 8 pm. i only have one more 3 hr block left so thats good. i think i made my mac and cheese wrong and made myself sick. :) this college life is no joke, doing homework and trying not to screw up laundry. by the way, why was everything wrinkled when i was done?? but thats a side note. things are looking up. this is my only bad day of the week and its almost over. my dad, some of my friends, and a bunch of people from church come up this weekend to watch the UF-UM game, i'm pretty stoked for that. it should be a massacre but you never know how those games turn out. i think a lot of people are overlooking miami's speed and athleticism. but i hope we put up 50 points on them. anyways, i should get going, i have to get some stuff done before psych class. thanks for checking in on me, readers.
first week
the first week of college is almost done, i have one more class this morning and then its the weekend, woo hoo! it wasn't too bad, but the first week is always the easiest. i'm going to have a whole lot more homework than i did in high school, so i'm not too stoked about that. i just feel like i should be studying all the time. its been fun being out on my own. although its not fun to miss dinner and not have a kitchen to go make something. i'm feeling a lot of nerves and pressure to do well, so i feel really guilty about not getting around to my online class this first week. i just have to stay focused and on top of the ball, and i'll be good to go. i miss shannon, and my neices a lot too. but i'll see them all soon enough.
move in
i'm a college man now.
i went up to Florida Gulf Coast University on thursday and moved shannon and sam into their dorms. her place is pretty nice, shes smart so shes in the ritzy honors dorm. it was pouring rain the whole day and sucked to move in in it, but what can you do. once she was all settled in, we went out to dinner, came back to her dorm and watched a movie.
the next day, i got up early said goodbye to shannon and hauled through a tropical storm up to gainesville. i beat my parents here by an hour and a half so for a while i was just chillin in my dorm in wet clothes. but they came soon enough, and i moved in. it only ended up taking about 20 minutes. my room still kind of reminds me of a jail cell, but the more i'm in it, the better it gets.
its hard to leave family and friends, and most of all shannon, but i keep telling myself that i'm going to the best school in florida, and its going to pay off in the future. its tough, but it has to be done. transition always gets easier with time, so i'm still getting settled in. i have to find my classes and get my books, and as soon as i get a routine, i'll be golden.
plus... FGCU is only like three hours away. :)
i went up to Florida Gulf Coast University on thursday and moved shannon and sam into their dorms. her place is pretty nice, shes smart so shes in the ritzy honors dorm. it was pouring rain the whole day and sucked to move in in it, but what can you do. once she was all settled in, we went out to dinner, came back to her dorm and watched a movie.
the next day, i got up early said goodbye to shannon and hauled through a tropical storm up to gainesville. i beat my parents here by an hour and a half so for a while i was just chillin in my dorm in wet clothes. but they came soon enough, and i moved in. it only ended up taking about 20 minutes. my room still kind of reminds me of a jail cell, but the more i'm in it, the better it gets.
its hard to leave family and friends, and most of all shannon, but i keep telling myself that i'm going to the best school in florida, and its going to pay off in the future. its tough, but it has to be done. transition always gets easier with time, so i'm still getting settled in. i have to find my classes and get my books, and as soon as i get a routine, i'll be golden.
plus... FGCU is only like three hours away. :)
big time
last night i took shannon out for her birthday and our anniversary (its the same day.) i wanted to make it special so i decided to take her someplace nice. with a lot of recommendations, i decided on the capital grille at the galleria. it was really fancy, they have different types of water and a little brush to wipe away the crumbs after each course. it was really good, i had the best steak i've ever had and shannon got roasted chicken. they even brought out a slice of chocolate cheesecake because it was her birthday. it was a great time, i'd never been anywhere that fancy. it schools her last birthday when i took her to olive garden, in my defense we had just started dating. :) i'm glad everything turned out well and the hurricane left in time for our date.
i've heard a lot of stories about miraculous things happening to small children, babies, and infants. i know 3 right off the top of my head. one of them is the story of my neice. i have two neices, they're twins. well one of them, braelyn, was diagnosed with this genetic disorder. you could see this mass on the back of her neck on pictures from the sonograms. well, my family prayed that she would be healed. the doctor advised my sister to abort the pregnancy and try again. she adamantly refused. well it turned out, through many faithful prayers (thanks to the great people at FRC Sawgrass) that the disorder was gone. there was no trace of it, and now braelyn is perfectly healthy.
we were all thankful, but i always felt that God would come through during that ordeal. i don't know why, but it seems i have a lot more faith in miracles when it involves babies.
anyways, i tell you that story to tell you this story. i came across a verse that shed a little light on the subject. Psalms 8:2 says, "You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you."
i just thought that was pretty cool.
we were all thankful, but i always felt that God would come through during that ordeal. i don't know why, but it seems i have a lot more faith in miracles when it involves babies.
anyways, i tell you that story to tell you this story. i came across a verse that shed a little light on the subject. Psalms 8:2 says, "You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you."
i just thought that was pretty cool.
well, my brother in law drew goes off to OCS, in about 2 hours. he'll be in georgia for a few months in a basic training type environment. its sad to see him go, but i'm pretty sure God made him to be a soldier. if you've ever met the guy you know that's true. its hard to sacrifice spending time with his wife and daughters, but they believe this is a step he needs to take for a better life in the future. i'm gonna miss him, but i'm proud of him.
everything has been pretty smooth this past week. i'm free from my job at publix! woot woot! the plan is to focus on getting good grades my first semester in college while searching for a church, and then try to work at a church around there.
i have put off getting ready for school. so far i have my sheets in the corner of the dining room, and thats it. i'm getting excited to move away, a chance for me to grow up. but its scary too, i cant help but think about how it would be different if i would have decided to go to UM. i think i made the right choice though.
i havent been doing much of anything, but have managed to be distracted from doing anything important. i have to finish a few chores over here cause im house sitting, and i need to do some stuff for this weekend at church. oh well, i guess that's what saturday is for.
things are going good for now, it might be a little dull, but dull is good, that means that nothing bad is happening either. praise the LORD!
i have put off getting ready for school. so far i have my sheets in the corner of the dining room, and thats it. i'm getting excited to move away, a chance for me to grow up. but its scary too, i cant help but think about how it would be different if i would have decided to go to UM. i think i made the right choice though.
i havent been doing much of anything, but have managed to be distracted from doing anything important. i have to finish a few chores over here cause im house sitting, and i need to do some stuff for this weekend at church. oh well, i guess that's what saturday is for.
things are going good for now, it might be a little dull, but dull is good, that means that nothing bad is happening either. praise the LORD!
Football is back!
the hall of fame game was on today. it is the first preseason game, and the first pro football game of the season. even if it was only an exhibtion game and the starters only played a few snaps, i was still excited.
sweet spot
the plan was to come on here and share something deep and insightful, but i guess i just wasn't in the right mindset. i was feeling a little down, not a lot, but a little. and i was reading the word and just thinking who am i to advise anyone else? who am i to analyze scripture, to teach at church, to do anything like that? i realize i am nobody, but its God through me who does these things. just saying things like that gives me a big head, its so hard to find humility. i really am trying. i'm starting to think how people in important positions must feel. they have to deal with their own sense of inadequacy, yet try and fight off pride in the same moment. its not logical on paper until you've felt it. i guess its impossible to be in that sweet spot everyday, but i'm gonna try. not that i do anything important yet, but i have some plans. this whole life thing takes time to build and get right i guess. hmm... maybe i was in the right mindset to get a little deep.
voice of the heisman
hate all you want on my gators, but you have to love an athlete humble enough to know that there are things much bigger than football. one who uses his platform as a football star to tell people about Christ. check out this article about Tim Tebow at the SEC Media Day. That's why this guy is my favorite player, plus the 40+ touchdowns last year.

Florida’s Tim Tebow hopes to use football as a platform for philanthropy
By Joseph Goodman / McClatchy Newspapers
Thursday, July 24, 2008
HOOVER, Ala. - It was a bizarre beginning to the Southeastern Conference Media Days on Wednesday. There was a football player at the dais - perhaps the best in the country - and there were football writers in the audience, but the topic of football seemed like a footnote.
Then Florida quarterback Tim Tebow, the reigning Heisman Trophy winner, told hundreds of sports reporters that football isn’t that important.
"I want to do everything in my power that football gives me to influence as many people as I can for the good, because that’s going to mean so much more when it’s all said and done than just playing football and winning championships," Tebow said.
Yet another group converted. College football is a religion in the Deep South, but when Tebow shows up for the season’s kickoff party, the whole thing turns into a tent revival.
"I can take what I do in playing football as a game and change people’s lives with it," Tebow said. "That’s why football is such a great game. That’s kind of why I do the things, preaching in prisons, doing those different things, trying to take advantage of that platform that God has blessed me with."
Tebow spoke to media from around the country for about 25 minutes Wednesday. Unlike every other player from every other school who attended the first day of SEC Media Days, Tebow addressed the media from the area reserved for head coaches. Reporters asked about Tebow’s stardom and missionary work more than the Gators’ spread offense or chances of winning a national championship.
Tebow made headlines this offseason with mission trips to the Philippines, Croatia and Thailand. He also spoke at prisons and preached at churches. Tebow’s father, Bob, is a missionary.
"Sometimes my biggest message to other athletes is, ’Yeah, we know you’re great in football, but take that greatness, your platform, use it to influence other people,’ " Tebow said. "That’s much more important than football."

Florida’s Tim Tebow hopes to use football as a platform for philanthropy
By Joseph Goodman / McClatchy Newspapers
Thursday, July 24, 2008
HOOVER, Ala. - It was a bizarre beginning to the Southeastern Conference Media Days on Wednesday. There was a football player at the dais - perhaps the best in the country - and there were football writers in the audience, but the topic of football seemed like a footnote.
Then Florida quarterback Tim Tebow, the reigning Heisman Trophy winner, told hundreds of sports reporters that football isn’t that important.
"I want to do everything in my power that football gives me to influence as many people as I can for the good, because that’s going to mean so much more when it’s all said and done than just playing football and winning championships," Tebow said.
Yet another group converted. College football is a religion in the Deep South, but when Tebow shows up for the season’s kickoff party, the whole thing turns into a tent revival.
"I can take what I do in playing football as a game and change people’s lives with it," Tebow said. "That’s why football is such a great game. That’s kind of why I do the things, preaching in prisons, doing those different things, trying to take advantage of that platform that God has blessed me with."
Tebow spoke to media from around the country for about 25 minutes Wednesday. Unlike every other player from every other school who attended the first day of SEC Media Days, Tebow addressed the media from the area reserved for head coaches. Reporters asked about Tebow’s stardom and missionary work more than the Gators’ spread offense or chances of winning a national championship.
Tebow made headlines this offseason with mission trips to the Philippines, Croatia and Thailand. He also spoke at prisons and preached at churches. Tebow’s father, Bob, is a missionary.
"Sometimes my biggest message to other athletes is, ’Yeah, we know you’re great in football, but take that greatness, your platform, use it to influence other people,’ " Tebow said. "That’s much more important than football."
i'm just warning you all i'm writing this post at 3 in the morning. so please excuse the poor vocabulary, lack of wit, and overuse of the word awesome.
well everybody, i made it back home from peru. the trip was amazing, and everything about it was awesome. it was pretty awesome.
the first day we got in we went outside this english institute and started handing out keychains for frc lima. we were timid at first but picked up speed and started conecting with people. this lady me and keith talked to actually showed up that weekend!

after speaking broken spanish to complete strangers for a few hours we went to this mall in peru. the place was pretty big and i ate a nasty hamburger from this fast food resteraunt called Bembos.
the next day we got up and went to a local orphanage that our church has connected with. the kids there were so happy to see us. we fed them chicken and fries. then i played soccer with some of the boys and played hide and seek, well really just chased, the little girls throughout the orphanage. we spent all day there, and afterwards cleaned up at the hotel. from there, we went to the rd., the frc lima student ministry. christian translated the lesson for us, and a few of the kids even got to play two worship songs. overall, i was impressed by the energy and pimpin set up at the jazz club. after that we all went and ate at the hottest papa johns in the world.


i got up to do set up, just like every sunday, only this time for frc lima. it was much quicker than sawgrass. then i helped out on the first impression team and greeted people as they came into the theatre. i used my awesome spanish vocabulary as i told everyone that came in "hola, como estas?" that night, we went out to larco mar, which is this beautiful outdoor mall on the water.
monday, we went to the david wilkerson school. it is a scholarship driven school with kids from poor areas. it was amazing to see the joy in the kids' faces when we gave them a simple goody bag full of candy and pencils. pencils! they loved them. i visited three classrooms and met two 6th grade boys who chatted up a storm with me. they talked about everything from wwe wrestling to what love is like. i missed most of the song and dance numbers the kids put on because those two boys were talking to me. but connecting with those kids was probably my favorite part. it was so cool to see how interested they were. from there, we went back to the street corner to hand out keychains. that time, we hit the ground running and handed out keychains left and right. we were really on our game. that is until we got kicked out by a cop who i gave a keychain to. he said we didn't have a permit and all this junk and asked us to leave. the Lord had His hand on it though, the two officers were christians and polite about the ordeal and our seem didn't seem downtrodden, they seemed strengthened if anything. i think we were happy for all the people we were able to connect with in such a short time. blessed are those who are persecuted in His name.
tuesday, we went to a shanty town on the outskirts of lima. it was called apachacutec. all the people out there lived in shacks with dirt floors. it was such a dirty place and amazing that it was home to so many. the place seemed hopeless, i just couldn't see a way for people to get out. im sure most people born there, probably die there. but they were so happy with nothing. we brought them lunch and a few toys and toiletries, they were so thankful and so content. we got to meet the pastor and give him some things too. poverty is just evident from sin, i mean whats worse, that or living in america so lost in our possessions that we miss God? some of those people were truly dependent on Him and it was evident.
wednesday was our last day, we spent time going to the inca market and i bought some gifts for my family. then we went on a little tour of peru and saw the country. after getting something to eat and a shower it was time to head to the airport. i slept most of the way home but was sorry to leave. overall, it was a great experience.

what ill take away most from the trip was not just the typical. although i did feel more grateful for all of my blessings and opportunities, i felt reaffirmed that i need to live for Him. that God is the sole provider of happiness and joy. that we are meant to live for Him. that doing His will is the reason i am on this earth. i want to make a difference and make this world a better place, and the only way i know how is through the love of Christ. so i pray i take this with me and continue to focus on Him throughout my life, because to me, thats the only way to have a life worth spent.
(not all the pics are up yet, ill try to put some more in when i get them)
well everybody, i made it back home from peru. the trip was amazing, and everything about it was awesome. it was pretty awesome.
the first day we got in we went outside this english institute and started handing out keychains for frc lima. we were timid at first but picked up speed and started conecting with people. this lady me and keith talked to actually showed up that weekend!

after speaking broken spanish to complete strangers for a few hours we went to this mall in peru. the place was pretty big and i ate a nasty hamburger from this fast food resteraunt called Bembos.
the next day we got up and went to a local orphanage that our church has connected with. the kids there were so happy to see us. we fed them chicken and fries. then i played soccer with some of the boys and played hide and seek, well really just chased, the little girls throughout the orphanage. we spent all day there, and afterwards cleaned up at the hotel. from there, we went to the rd., the frc lima student ministry. christian translated the lesson for us, and a few of the kids even got to play two worship songs. overall, i was impressed by the energy and pimpin set up at the jazz club. after that we all went and ate at the hottest papa johns in the world.


i got up to do set up, just like every sunday, only this time for frc lima. it was much quicker than sawgrass. then i helped out on the first impression team and greeted people as they came into the theatre. i used my awesome spanish vocabulary as i told everyone that came in "hola, como estas?" that night, we went out to larco mar, which is this beautiful outdoor mall on the water.
monday, we went to the david wilkerson school. it is a scholarship driven school with kids from poor areas. it was amazing to see the joy in the kids' faces when we gave them a simple goody bag full of candy and pencils. pencils! they loved them. i visited three classrooms and met two 6th grade boys who chatted up a storm with me. they talked about everything from wwe wrestling to what love is like. i missed most of the song and dance numbers the kids put on because those two boys were talking to me. but connecting with those kids was probably my favorite part. it was so cool to see how interested they were. from there, we went back to the street corner to hand out keychains. that time, we hit the ground running and handed out keychains left and right. we were really on our game. that is until we got kicked out by a cop who i gave a keychain to. he said we didn't have a permit and all this junk and asked us to leave. the Lord had His hand on it though, the two officers were christians and polite about the ordeal and our seem didn't seem downtrodden, they seemed strengthened if anything. i think we were happy for all the people we were able to connect with in such a short time. blessed are those who are persecuted in His name.
tuesday, we went to a shanty town on the outskirts of lima. it was called apachacutec. all the people out there lived in shacks with dirt floors. it was such a dirty place and amazing that it was home to so many. the place seemed hopeless, i just couldn't see a way for people to get out. im sure most people born there, probably die there. but they were so happy with nothing. we brought them lunch and a few toys and toiletries, they were so thankful and so content. we got to meet the pastor and give him some things too. poverty is just evident from sin, i mean whats worse, that or living in america so lost in our possessions that we miss God? some of those people were truly dependent on Him and it was evident.
wednesday was our last day, we spent time going to the inca market and i bought some gifts for my family. then we went on a little tour of peru and saw the country. after getting something to eat and a shower it was time to head to the airport. i slept most of the way home but was sorry to leave. overall, it was a great experience.

what ill take away most from the trip was not just the typical. although i did feel more grateful for all of my blessings and opportunities, i felt reaffirmed that i need to live for Him. that God is the sole provider of happiness and joy. that we are meant to live for Him. that doing His will is the reason i am on this earth. i want to make a difference and make this world a better place, and the only way i know how is through the love of Christ. so i pray i take this with me and continue to focus on Him throughout my life, because to me, thats the only way to have a life worth spent.
(not all the pics are up yet, ill try to put some more in when i get them)
i'm leaving for Peru tomorrow. keep me in your prayers. i'm excited, and a little worried. i'm praying that i grow closer to God during this trip. it should be awesome.
FGCU Orientation
So me and Scott (my girlfriend's sister's boyfriend) drove up to Florida Gulf Coast University today early in the morning. I was running off of 2 hours of sleep. The girls were at their orientation and we wanted to surprise them. Well, in our infinite wisdom and lack of math skills, we got there about 2 hours before we wanted to. So we killed time and wandered the campus. It was pretty nice, but tiny compared to UF. Anyways, we end up waiting to surprise them outside the wrong door and completely miss them as they go to breakfast. Luckily we were able to catch them on the way out, and it kind of worked.
The rest of the day was very laid back, we explored the bustling city of Fort Myers, checked out their various gated retirement communities, and enjoyed a sub sandwich from the gas station. All in all, it was a good day.
School is coming soon and it is pretty intimidating. I feel like I haven't even had time to think of my trip to Peru in 5 days. I got to get on that.
Yeah... that's that. I figured you might enjoy a little update on my life, use it as a break from thinking about your life. That's what these blogs are for, killing time, and taking your mind off things.
Maybe to keep you more entertained, I'll give you nice picture to look at too. Hold on... let me find one on the internet...
Ah... here we go, some big mountain in Colorado.
Relaxing, awe inspiring, and makes you think of the glory of God. Overall, a pretty good picture.
The rest of the day was very laid back, we explored the bustling city of Fort Myers, checked out their various gated retirement communities, and enjoyed a sub sandwich from the gas station. All in all, it was a good day.
School is coming soon and it is pretty intimidating. I feel like I haven't even had time to think of my trip to Peru in 5 days. I got to get on that.
Yeah... that's that. I figured you might enjoy a little update on my life, use it as a break from thinking about your life. That's what these blogs are for, killing time, and taking your mind off things.
Maybe to keep you more entertained, I'll give you nice picture to look at too. Hold on... let me find one on the internet...
Ah... here we go, some big mountain in Colorado.
Relaxing, awe inspiring, and makes you think of the glory of God. Overall, a pretty good picture.

UF Preview
hey guys i just got back from University of Florida orientation. i've decided to major in history, because it has a lot of freedom and only a few absolutely required classes. because i want to go into the ministry as soon as possible, and figure that i need some sort of college degree to get hired by a church, i put myself on the fast track since i already have a lot of credits that go towards the history major. wow, i'm tired and can't write anything but run on sentences, and i'm going to college! well, the whole process was very drawn out and full of many many presentations that didn't seem that important to me. but i got done all the things i had to get done so i'm pretty much set for college. i have to work out a couple kinks in my schedule but it should all be good.
don't get me wrong, i'm not exactly expecting perfectly smooth sailing, but i'm trying to make the transition as easy as possible. you see, this is a big step for me, as with anyone, but i'm still a little nervous, though not as much as before. see i was debating whether i should go to college at all or jump right into the ministry. both sides have arguments to support them, but right now i feel as if i should at least give college a shot. if God calls me into the ministry before that, i'm down. its hard to know whether i'm doing this whole college thing because myself, my family, and society wants me to, or if that is God's will. i've had contradicting advice on which is my best plan, but ultimately its up to God.
i just pray i'm making the right choice and not choosing the world over God.
who knew wanting a college degree might pull me away from God?
i was about to go into detail about the pros and cons, and my philosophy on what either choice means, but it is too much to write at 2 am and i have to work tomorrow.
just pray that i have wisdom and am going where God wants me.
thanks to everyone who reads this/prays for me.
i need guidance...
don't get me wrong, i'm not exactly expecting perfectly smooth sailing, but i'm trying to make the transition as easy as possible. you see, this is a big step for me, as with anyone, but i'm still a little nervous, though not as much as before. see i was debating whether i should go to college at all or jump right into the ministry. both sides have arguments to support them, but right now i feel as if i should at least give college a shot. if God calls me into the ministry before that, i'm down. its hard to know whether i'm doing this whole college thing because myself, my family, and society wants me to, or if that is God's will. i've had contradicting advice on which is my best plan, but ultimately its up to God.
i just pray i'm making the right choice and not choosing the world over God.
who knew wanting a college degree might pull me away from God?
i was about to go into detail about the pros and cons, and my philosophy on what either choice means, but it is too much to write at 2 am and i have to work tomorrow.
just pray that i have wisdom and am going where God wants me.
thanks to everyone who reads this/prays for me.
i need guidance...
camp part 2
hey guys,
i just got back from high school camp a couple of days ago. it was busy. we would go to breakfast, morning session, games, lunch, jump rope, dinner, night session, games, bed. yeah... we jumped a lot of rope. for over 5 1/2 hours we tried to get all 96 people through without screwing up. it was hard, but in the end it was justified. i wish we would have more FRC only time and games because Scot really pushed us. it was cool to watch some kids grow emotionally, spiritually, and as a team. one cool moment was when God laid it on my heart to pray for a certain person who normally doesn't come to mind right when i bow my head. sure enough after about 5 minutes, they got up and grabbed a rock which symbolized theyre commitment to follow Christ. it was cool how prayer was answered right there. it was definitely worth it, so anyone on the fence, please trust me, and go!
i just got back from high school camp a couple of days ago. it was busy. we would go to breakfast, morning session, games, lunch, jump rope, dinner, night session, games, bed. yeah... we jumped a lot of rope. for over 5 1/2 hours we tried to get all 96 people through without screwing up. it was hard, but in the end it was justified. i wish we would have more FRC only time and games because Scot really pushed us. it was cool to watch some kids grow emotionally, spiritually, and as a team. one cool moment was when God laid it on my heart to pray for a certain person who normally doesn't come to mind right when i bow my head. sure enough after about 5 minutes, they got up and grabbed a rock which symbolized theyre commitment to follow Christ. it was cool how prayer was answered right there. it was definitely worth it, so anyone on the fence, please trust me, and go!
i just got back from middle school camp. it was a long drive, but well worth it. the kids were pushed to their limits in all the games and had fight through their want to quit. the sessions were entertaining, and had some real thought provoking moments. we even had about 10 kids get baptized. overall, i think it went great. it was definitely something to build on.
i came home and found out that my sister had some complications and was in the hospital. it was much more serious than i was led to believe, but kelly is alright now. that was a scary moment for all of us. i donated some blood for her, and went to visit her in the hospital. she seems to be a little better, but is still weak, and should be in there until at least monday.
it has been an extremely stressful week with kelly's complications, having to watch the babies, big decisions weighing me down, and having no sleep through it all. now i'm turning around and going to high school camp. just keep me and my family in your prayers. thank you.
i came home and found out that my sister had some complications and was in the hospital. it was much more serious than i was led to believe, but kelly is alright now. that was a scary moment for all of us. i donated some blood for her, and went to visit her in the hospital. she seems to be a little better, but is still weak, and should be in there until at least monday.
it has been an extremely stressful week with kelly's complications, having to watch the babies, big decisions weighing me down, and having no sleep through it all. now i'm turning around and going to high school camp. just keep me and my family in your prayers. thank you.
i've been reading "The Barbarian Way" lately and it has peaked my interest. it raised a question in my head though. how is a church supposed to keep the raw, powerful, all consuming call to sacrifice everything for Christ, yet still stay relevant and seem welcoming to seekers?
one side enables personal spiritual growth, while the other raises numbers to the kingdom. its a delicate balance and definitely hard to find.
one side enables personal spiritual growth, while the other raises numbers to the kingdom. its a delicate balance and definitely hard to find.
random acts of kindness
I just went on youtube, and on the featured videos section, which is sort of like the front page or cover for those non youtube users (though you probably wouldn't be reading a blog, so i'm not quite sure why i'm typing this, but i digress) 8 out of the 12 videos were about random acts of kindness or making the world a better place.
that's very encouraging. the world tries to crush every group's aspirations for positive change with loads of negativity. it is uplifting to see a glimmer of optimism somewhere.
i'll risk being thought of as naive and say, sometimes i think that this generation may be able to change the world for the better. they may have really taken hold to this belief that they can make a difference. we might even be witnessing the beginning of an altruistic culture. that would be pretty cool.
that's very encouraging. the world tries to crush every group's aspirations for positive change with loads of negativity. it is uplifting to see a glimmer of optimism somewhere.
i'll risk being thought of as naive and say, sometimes i think that this generation may be able to change the world for the better. they may have really taken hold to this belief that they can make a difference. we might even be witnessing the beginning of an altruistic culture. that would be pretty cool.
Senior Night
senior night was this past saturday at church. basically, senior night is when all of the graduating seniors are recognized/honored. the band is full of seniors, the speaker is a senior, they have a slideshow. its like a big celebration service.
shannon led three of the songs with the other seniors tyler, cat, shane, brian, and grace filling out the band. they did awesome.
then they had the slideshow and showed everyone's baby pictures.
then i got the chance to do the teaching. i settled on three points to grow closer to God in the future, serving, leading, and obeying. I was nervous at first because the place was packed with high schoolers, their families, and their friends. all in all, it turned out well.
it was an honor to get the chance to speak and i just want to say thanks to everyone who came out and supported us.
shannon led three of the songs with the other seniors tyler, cat, shane, brian, and grace filling out the band. they did awesome.
then they had the slideshow and showed everyone's baby pictures.
then i got the chance to do the teaching. i settled on three points to grow closer to God in the future, serving, leading, and obeying. I was nervous at first because the place was packed with high schoolers, their families, and their friends. all in all, it turned out well.
it was an honor to get the chance to speak and i just want to say thanks to everyone who came out and supported us.
Its a Girl! x 2
today i was closing, and after work i stopped by my buddy's birthday party. except, i had to rush out because i got a call from my mom saying my sister was in labor. so i rushed home and from there went to the hospital.
we chilled in the lobby for a few minutes until drew came and took us past the locked door, into the back area (i don't know what its called, i'm not up on hospital lingo, maybe i should watch greys anatomy).
then, the doctors did the c section on kelly around 3 am, and pulled out the babies. Kayla Mackenzie Robinson (formerly known as Alpha or baby A) and Braelyn Elizabeth Robinson (Bravo or baby B) both came out at about 5 lbs each.
i caught a glimpse of them as they were rolled out to the NIQUE (once again, i don't know how to spell this stuff). drew went with them to name them and get their identification straight.
then i got a chance to see kelly for a second but she was out of it. after that i got kicked back out to the lobby. so i killed the time by trying to chat with the spanish speaking security guard, it was kind of hard cause he spoke very little english and i speak very little spanish and he was distracted by one of those crazy spanish shows with a lady in a short skirt and a guy with a lot of whistles... but im getting off topic.
drew came back out and pulled in my dad to go see the babies (my mom was with kelly) then eventually i got to go see kelly. apparently only grandparents get to go visit the premie babies. but after the drugs hit kel, and she rambled on about red gatorade, she eventually fell asleep and we left.
now i'm home writing this blog... sorry if it was wordy, i'm a little tired and a little excited.
but praise the Lord, i got two neices.
we chilled in the lobby for a few minutes until drew came and took us past the locked door, into the back area (i don't know what its called, i'm not up on hospital lingo, maybe i should watch greys anatomy).
then, the doctors did the c section on kelly around 3 am, and pulled out the babies. Kayla Mackenzie Robinson (formerly known as Alpha or baby A) and Braelyn Elizabeth Robinson (Bravo or baby B) both came out at about 5 lbs each.
i caught a glimpse of them as they were rolled out to the NIQUE (once again, i don't know how to spell this stuff). drew went with them to name them and get their identification straight.
then i got a chance to see kelly for a second but she was out of it. after that i got kicked back out to the lobby. so i killed the time by trying to chat with the spanish speaking security guard, it was kind of hard cause he spoke very little english and i speak very little spanish and he was distracted by one of those crazy spanish shows with a lady in a short skirt and a guy with a lot of whistles... but im getting off topic.
drew came back out and pulled in my dad to go see the babies (my mom was with kelly) then eventually i got to go see kelly. apparently only grandparents get to go visit the premie babies. but after the drugs hit kel, and she rambled on about red gatorade, she eventually fell asleep and we left.
now i'm home writing this blog... sorry if it was wordy, i'm a little tired and a little excited.
but praise the Lord, i got two neices.
this past weekend
this past weekend at church, i got the opportunity to preach at the 4 middle school services. jesse taught the high school service (it was a straight sawgrass takeover).
it was a lot of fun. the first service was really short because i wasn't sure about how much time everything would take. apparently, i severely overestimated my material, so i was up and down in probably 10 minutes. but for the sunday services, i threw in a story about my spoiled rotten sister (shes not really that bad) and it turned into a 10-15 minute sermon.
the kids seemed relatively interested, at least as interested as middle schoolers could be. all in all, i got over my nerves, and it turned out pretty good. i get the chance to do it again, in a couple weeks. i'll only be doing the high school service, but its good that now i'm more comfortable, i should be able to speak better. glory to God.
the lesson was on gratitude, and i feel real privileged that God put me in the position to be able to speak these two weekends. it was a lot of fun, but it is a struggle to stay humble and not make preaching about me or my own ego. i'm sure real pastors know this much more than i do.
but still, i feel blessed that God gave me that desire and opportunity, so in a way, i learned more about gratitude than i thought i would. (doesn't that sound like a cheesy line from the end of an episode of Full House, cue the sappy piano.)
anyways, i figured i'd upload the outline of my teaching if you were interested.
p.s.- all of the spaces and blank lines are for you Matt.
Luke 17:11-19
Gratitude MATTERS because it shows humility.
“True humility and fear of the LORD leads to riches, honor, and a long life.” – Proverbs 22:4
Gratitude MATTERS because it shows dependence on God.
“How foolish can you be? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort?”- Galatians 3:3
Gratitude MATTERS because it leads to success.
“Remember the Lord your God. He is the one who gives you power to be successful…” -Deuteronomy 8:18
it was a lot of fun. the first service was really short because i wasn't sure about how much time everything would take. apparently, i severely overestimated my material, so i was up and down in probably 10 minutes. but for the sunday services, i threw in a story about my spoiled rotten sister (shes not really that bad) and it turned into a 10-15 minute sermon.
the kids seemed relatively interested, at least as interested as middle schoolers could be. all in all, i got over my nerves, and it turned out pretty good. i get the chance to do it again, in a couple weeks. i'll only be doing the high school service, but its good that now i'm more comfortable, i should be able to speak better. glory to God.
the lesson was on gratitude, and i feel real privileged that God put me in the position to be able to speak these two weekends. it was a lot of fun, but it is a struggle to stay humble and not make preaching about me or my own ego. i'm sure real pastors know this much more than i do.
but still, i feel blessed that God gave me that desire and opportunity, so in a way, i learned more about gratitude than i thought i would. (doesn't that sound like a cheesy line from the end of an episode of Full House, cue the sappy piano.)
anyways, i figured i'd upload the outline of my teaching if you were interested.
p.s.- all of the spaces and blank lines are for you Matt.
Luke 17:11-19
Gratitude MATTERS because it shows humility.
“True humility and fear of the LORD leads to riches, honor, and a long life.” – Proverbs 22:4
Gratitude MATTERS because it shows dependence on God.
“How foolish can you be? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort?”- Galatians 3:3
Gratitude MATTERS because it leads to success.
“Remember the Lord your God. He is the one who gives you power to be successful…” -Deuteronomy 8:18
i'm editing the lesson for this weekend a little bit before i go to sleep. i'm teaching the middle school services at cooper city this weekend. so i need all your prayers, so i don't get up there and fall on my face and make a fool out of myself... actually, that might get their attention...
p.s.- i have one more day of high school left.
p.s.- i have one more day of high school left.
here's a cheesy joke i heard and have since been spreading around for pure pity laughter:
why did the mayonnaise blush?
because it saw the salad dressing.
i guarantee if you tell that to your boss, you'll get a raise. no doubt about it.
why did the mayonnaise blush?
because it saw the salad dressing.
i guarantee if you tell that to your boss, you'll get a raise. no doubt about it.
late knight out
so today i got the chance to go to the silver knights award ceremony. its some community service/academic thing put on by the miami herald. anyways, i came home empty handed. the girl that won in my category discovered some peptide in poisonous sea snails that helped people with pain disorders... yeah. i actually didn't pull off a consolation paper because the lady passing them out didn't think i was a nominee based on my casual attire (since when was a dress shirt, jeans, and a pair of nikes not acceptable?) regardless, it was pretty neat seeing all of those overachievers in one place. you can tell those kids are going to go places. it got me thinking about leadership and the importance of drive and passion.
i think that leadership is a gift, but we can also work on it. sometimes it can also feel like a switch that is turned on. i know i am perfectly content to just sit back and watch the action unfold, but if i see a group in need of leadership and realize that i won't be stepping on any toes, i'll come in and "flip the switch" and take control. i think many people assume that they are too shy to be a leader, or that they don't have that gift. i think that enough drive or passion can make you a great leader, even if you are a natural introvert. many times, people just need someone with some direction or goal in mind. i'm sure that sometime in your life, you will have to come out of your comfort zone and lead out on something. i challenge anyone out there who is maybe quiet or shy to find their voice and step in the next time they sense they have an opportunity to lead. remember, moses couldn't even speak in public, he had to go through his brother aaron, but he turned out to be a pretty good leader. one day, you'll have to lead, you might as well start now. the younger the better, especially if you are a student. i know many places in student ministry that need leadership with the exit of the graduating class. that just means more opportunities for you to step up and leave a mark.
i think that leadership is a gift, but we can also work on it. sometimes it can also feel like a switch that is turned on. i know i am perfectly content to just sit back and watch the action unfold, but if i see a group in need of leadership and realize that i won't be stepping on any toes, i'll come in and "flip the switch" and take control. i think many people assume that they are too shy to be a leader, or that they don't have that gift. i think that enough drive or passion can make you a great leader, even if you are a natural introvert. many times, people just need someone with some direction or goal in mind. i'm sure that sometime in your life, you will have to come out of your comfort zone and lead out on something. i challenge anyone out there who is maybe quiet or shy to find their voice and step in the next time they sense they have an opportunity to lead. remember, moses couldn't even speak in public, he had to go through his brother aaron, but he turned out to be a pretty good leader. one day, you'll have to lead, you might as well start now. the younger the better, especially if you are a student. i know many places in student ministry that need leadership with the exit of the graduating class. that just means more opportunities for you to step up and leave a mark.
Summer Camp
school is almost done and summer is just around the corner. i'm getting pretty stoked about summer camp, as a senior, this will sadly be my last camp, but it looks to be amazing. it's called The Way and is going to be awesome. we're gonna go up to north florida and some big bands and speakers will be there, plus a ton of games and time to hang out with everybody. if you are in student ministry and are debating going to camp, i encourage you to go. it is the best thing we do at FRC, and you will definitely come back changed. it is an amazing spiritual experience, i pray that you just give it a shot if you're doubting it. i will personally take responsibility for your time, if you go and dont have a blast, i will wash your car or something. just give it a chance.
i also am planning to go to middle school camp, which is called Leave Nothing, as a leader. the same goes for this, it is a great way to grow spiritually and make some true friends and accountability partners. so parents, don't be alarmed, you're kids will be well supervised by all of the adult leaders and they'll have a lot of fun. camp is amazing because you get to see kids lives completely changed for Christ. they come back on fire for God and many students turn into leaders right in front of our eyes at camp.
go check out for more info. register online, and you can pay there too.
i also am planning to go to middle school camp, which is called Leave Nothing, as a leader. the same goes for this, it is a great way to grow spiritually and make some true friends and accountability partners. so parents, don't be alarmed, you're kids will be well supervised by all of the adult leaders and they'll have a lot of fun. camp is amazing because you get to see kids lives completely changed for Christ. they come back on fire for God and many students turn into leaders right in front of our eyes at camp.
go check out for more info. register online, and you can pay there too.
donkey basketball
i came across this clip and thought that it might help Pastor Troy and Pastor Matt feel more at home:
soapbox reminder
hey guys, just one quick thing to help you through your week:
it is in our weakness, that God is strong. Paul begged God to take away this sin that had a grip on his life, that he struggled with daily, and failed constantly at conquering, and God wouldn't take it away. why? so that Paul would depend on God. it forced Paul to come to grips with his own weakness and rely on the Lord. in Romans, Paul says we are a slave to the sin that corrupts us, and the only way to break that bondage is to rely on Jesus.
don't know why, but i felt like i should share that.
it is in our weakness, that God is strong. Paul begged God to take away this sin that had a grip on his life, that he struggled with daily, and failed constantly at conquering, and God wouldn't take it away. why? so that Paul would depend on God. it forced Paul to come to grips with his own weakness and rely on the Lord. in Romans, Paul says we are a slave to the sin that corrupts us, and the only way to break that bondage is to rely on Jesus.
don't know why, but i felt like i should share that.
today was a little crazy at sawgrass because we were missing most of the set up team and our campus pastor, but by the grace of God everything went rather smooth. it was a good day. i got to drive the generator today, and backed it into the church almost as good as jenn (way way better than matt).
student ministry was awesome. we had some new leaders really step up, abel took a break from teaching and let jesse lead and he did a great job talking about discipline. basically saying that God disciplines us because He loves us, and because we are disciplined by the Father, we know we are His children. he also had a cool video clip that i'm going to try to find (and learn how to put videos in my blog, that one computer science class i took in freshman year really isn't holding up). then, scott really ran with the discussion time. it was cool to see, all in all.
i really want to go rent this movie now. it is a cool clip and as jesse said, it has a lot of teaching in it. he mentioned the coach's discipline was able to correct brock's thinking. another cool thing i saw was how the coach gave brock that blindfold, this made sure that brock didn't limit himself or doubt his own potential. it made him rely solely on his coach. i think God does that to us sometimes, we don't get to see the whole picture, because He knows that we'll doubt our abilities and what He can do through us. so God gives us a little at a time "20 more steps... 10 more steps..." and by trusting Him, and through His encouragement and empowerment, we are able to do much more than we ever imagined. you might have heard a phrase thrown around, "reaching our God potential." and while our church can definitely help, no one can make us reach our God potential more than the Father Himself.
so, thats a little late night mind dump i thought yall might enjoy. i have to go get some sleep though, its spring break, i gotta hit the beach tomorrow. God bless.
student ministry was awesome. we had some new leaders really step up, abel took a break from teaching and let jesse lead and he did a great job talking about discipline. basically saying that God disciplines us because He loves us, and because we are disciplined by the Father, we know we are His children. he also had a cool video clip that i'm going to try to find (and learn how to put videos in my blog, that one computer science class i took in freshman year really isn't holding up). then, scott really ran with the discussion time. it was cool to see, all in all.
i really want to go rent this movie now. it is a cool clip and as jesse said, it has a lot of teaching in it. he mentioned the coach's discipline was able to correct brock's thinking. another cool thing i saw was how the coach gave brock that blindfold, this made sure that brock didn't limit himself or doubt his own potential. it made him rely solely on his coach. i think God does that to us sometimes, we don't get to see the whole picture, because He knows that we'll doubt our abilities and what He can do through us. so God gives us a little at a time "20 more steps... 10 more steps..." and by trusting Him, and through His encouragement and empowerment, we are able to do much more than we ever imagined. you might have heard a phrase thrown around, "reaching our God potential." and while our church can definitely help, no one can make us reach our God potential more than the Father Himself.
so, thats a little late night mind dump i thought yall might enjoy. i have to go get some sleep though, its spring break, i gotta hit the beach tomorrow. God bless.
we are about a month away from the start of baseball season. i know a lot of people complain that its too boring to watch, but with no football, college basketball winding down, and an irrelevant Miami Heat, what else am i supposed to? if you really get into the strategy of the game i'm sure you could at least make it through 2 or 3 innings before flipping over to TBS and watching a rerun of Everybody Loves Raymond.
well, i'm excited. my beloved Boston Red Sox are going for back to back world series. and even though our pitching staff is shattered because beckett is having back problems, dice-k's wife is having a baby, and schilling is hurt and putting on weight so he is starting to resemble john travolta (wild hogs travolta, not face off travolta) i still think we have a shot at winning it all again. even if we don't, at least it will give me an excuse to watch tv all saturday afternoon and put off mowing the lawn.
well, i'm excited. my beloved Boston Red Sox are going for back to back world series. and even though our pitching staff is shattered because beckett is having back problems, dice-k's wife is having a baby, and schilling is hurt and putting on weight so he is starting to resemble john travolta (wild hogs travolta, not face off travolta) i still think we have a shot at winning it all again. even if we don't, at least it will give me an excuse to watch tv all saturday afternoon and put off mowing the lawn.
this week in the small group i lead, we were able to touch on humility and how to stay humble. when i posed the question, how do you stay humble? i got the automatic church responses: pray, read your bible, go to church. all are right, and great answers, but i was trying to put it on a more practical level. the only advice that i could come up with, or i should say God let me think up, was to check your motives. if you get a chance to exhibit one of your gifts or talents, slow down and check your motives before you do it. say you play in a worship band and you get a chance to play on a big stage. check your motives. think about why you want to do it. if you want to do it for your own pride, just to get up and show off just to show everyone how awesome you are, God isn't probably going to bless that. but if you approach it humbly, slow down, and focus on doing it for God, focus on playing for Him as worship and an expression of using your talents for His will, then He will definitely bless that. its real easy to do things for our own greedy egos and we just need to slow down and look at the big picture. do it all for Him. i personally know that is far easier said than done, but i truly believe if we do give it all to Him, we'll be better for it. i don't know, thats just my two cents.
the cure
have you ever had trouble sleeping? i have, and thought i tried everything. i've tried drinking a glass of milk, to counting sheep, to staring at my ceiling with intense focus trying to will myself to sleep. (that last one may have actually made it harder to sleep) but I, my friends, have found the cure. 2 cures actually. if you want to fall asleep, make yourself a stack of pancakes, or waffles if no pancakes are available, preferably of the chocolate chip variety, get some butter or margarine on that bad boy, and pour syrup until all the little squares in the eggo are overflowing. dig in and welcome the slumber. logically, there should be a sugar rush, but i think because of the pancake/waffle's heavenly goodness, you just get sleepy. i just downed a short stack of eggo waffles following this recipe, and i'm ready to take a nap. in fact, i have some free time in my schedule, that's what i'll go do. aurrevoire. (that may not be how you spell it, what do i know? i'm not French.)
soul harvest
here's a number for you: compared to last year's attendance of the same date, last weekend, sawgrass student ministry has increased 900%. yes. 900%. that's what i'm talking about. praise the LORD!
life's not a popularity contest
today at church, we had a chance to talk about the influence of friends and the importance of hanging out with the right crowd. it is common sense that if you hang around foolish people, stupid stuff happens to you. but one of my kids brought up a very valid point. he said he'd rather hang out with the foolish kids at lunch, than eat lunch by himself. now, this is from the middle school perspective, but if you look at it in a bigger way, then it may be easier to see where he is coming from. a lot of people make poor decisions in who they are around just because they don't want to be alone. we all strive for acceptance, its a fact whether you admit it or not. everyone is seeking approval, everyone likes to be liked. but we have to be careful about who we surround ourselves with. when we become obsessed with popular opinion or worry about our own image, we become completely self centered. this becomes a root from which many problems grow. the main flaw in this way of thinking is that it keeps us from being God centered. you see, as Christians, we don't need to be concerned about popular opinion or image at all. we have the love of the Savior and the ultimate approval from the Almighty. we don't need to live for anyone but for Him. this is an important message in the middle school and high school crowd. school is harsh and if you're not careful, life can become about popularity and soon you will start conforming to the crowd and being who they want you to be. this is the opposite of happiness. you're going to be miserable if you go down that road. its simple, if you want true happiness, live for God. if you make your life God centered, all of the other pieces will fall in place. maybe not how you planned it, but how He planned it. seek Him and all of your other concerns will be satisfied. i promise you that if you truly seek His will, that your life will be much better than you could have ever personally dreamed. one of my favorite verses to comfort me when i'm crippled by indecision, worry, or fear is "'For I know the plans i have for you,' says the LORD. 'They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." -Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)
i would like to remind everyone that we are about a month away from the NFL draft. i hope everyone is prepared (bust out the lawn chairs and coolers in the living room). in case you haven't heard, the dolphins have the number one pick in the draft. this is due to our less than stellar 1-15 season. but lets keep it on the positive. the number one pick! woo! a chance to rebuild your team. a chance to find the perfect cornerstone of the franchise. the one guy to build a dynasty around. someone to carry the team and franchise on his back all the way to the superbowl. too bad this draft doesn't have anybody like that. it looks like if the dolphins don't trade away the pick we'll either go with QB Matt Ryan from Boston College, OT Jake Long from Michigan, or DE Chris Long from Virginia. they all might be solid players, but i don't see any of them as franchise players. ryan is overrated, chris long has weak run defense, and jake long is the safe pick with a low ceiling. so, even though the dolphins have the first pick in the draft and have the rights to choose any college football player in the entire world, i still have no hope for next season... welcome to miami.
hormonal ranting
my sister is currently pregnant with twins and she is staying with us this weekend because her husband is out of town for some national guard competition. it has been quite interesting watching the family interact with her hormonal ranting. as of right now she is complaining about the lack of "cute maternity clothes." this is after she just scarfed down 19 mini pancakes. so a word of advice for everyone out there, avoid pregnant women at all costs... all the time.
why do we do the things we do? what drives us in life? its a tough question, and i dont believe ive got the handle on it, but i'm pretty sure that passion is a big part of it. i'm still searching for my passion. i know it is doing something for God, but i'm still trying to figure out exactly what it is. i believe that if you follow your heart and your passion that you will be happy, and if you're passion is God and you follow Him that you will be even better off. i just hope that everyone out there knows that it is never too late to pursue your passion and if things dont feel right, reevaluate your passion and make sure you are on the right path towards it. and always do this in prayer because "He will keep our paths straight" -Proverbs 3:6.
brain drain
this week is going pretty good, i got a lot of random stuff on my mind, i figured i'd share.
-sawgrass had over 300 people in back to back weeks for the first time, that was pretty cool. our student ministry is growing too, some new leaders are stepping up which is always awesome to see.
-school is school, but it is ok. english was short today, and my professor really liked my paper, so thats good. my other paper is about the effect of hall of fame quarterbacks on multiple super bowl wins, so i don't think she will like it as much.
-today was busy, i felt like i traveled the world. i had to run errands and it took almost 3 hours, but i got a lot done. valentines day is only a couple of days away? guys, are you prepared? i still have to work out the final logistics, but it should all be good.
-shannon started flag football today, so she is dead. poor kid does so much, but i am proud of her, shes the hardest working and most driven person i know.
-tomorrow is free pancake day at ihop, go get yourself a free short stack.
-i found a cool verse that spoke to me especially at this stage in life where kids can get too caught up in what their grades are, what car they drive, where their girl is going, whos hanging out with who, i dont know, i think it is pretty applicable: "a relaxed attitude lengthens life; jealousy rots it away" -Proverbs 14:30
-so people, relax.
-sawgrass had over 300 people in back to back weeks for the first time, that was pretty cool. our student ministry is growing too, some new leaders are stepping up which is always awesome to see.
-school is school, but it is ok. english was short today, and my professor really liked my paper, so thats good. my other paper is about the effect of hall of fame quarterbacks on multiple super bowl wins, so i don't think she will like it as much.
-today was busy, i felt like i traveled the world. i had to run errands and it took almost 3 hours, but i got a lot done. valentines day is only a couple of days away? guys, are you prepared? i still have to work out the final logistics, but it should all be good.
-shannon started flag football today, so she is dead. poor kid does so much, but i am proud of her, shes the hardest working and most driven person i know.
-tomorrow is free pancake day at ihop, go get yourself a free short stack.
-i found a cool verse that spoke to me especially at this stage in life where kids can get too caught up in what their grades are, what car they drive, where their girl is going, whos hanging out with who, i dont know, i think it is pretty applicable: "a relaxed attitude lengthens life; jealousy rots it away" -Proverbs 14:30
-so people, relax.
today i had my first class of art history. 6 to 10 pm every wednesday. goodness, that class looks like its going to drag on. my teacher is very aggressive in his questioning and constantly asks for volunteers to read. this takes up half the class time. awkward silence as the class waits for someone to "jump on in" and start reading the slide off the projector. i also made the mistake of sitting in the back row which he constantly called on to answer questions and read because i think he assumed we were all slackers back there, which may not be too far off, but still, i resent it when my lack of enthusiasm is discovered. after covering the basic elements of art and some random art trivia, he ended with a video which oozed of its 1980's origin. but it wasnt all bad i guess... he did let us out an hour and a half early... lets hope that continues. no, lets not hope. pray for me that that continues. now, off to enjoy the light load for the rest of the week.
road trip... sort of
today i got the chance to visit FRC Hallandale and see the feeding ministry at work. it was a cool experience, i'd never been down to our hallandale campus and i really liked it, the layout, the pillars, the fancy windows, and the steeple. the feeding ministry itself was much more impressive, every week they serve food, free of charge to many families in the area. they had a great team there from several campuses and everyone was helping out with cooking, serving, or talking with the people at the table. it was sort of a "re-kick off" (its a word, google it) of the feeding ministry because hallandale is going through some changes but it was a great start. they went through huge pans of baked ziti and i even got a chance to serve some cake to the families. it was an interesting night and i'm glad i got the chance to check it out first hand.
well, i know its been a week since i got back from winter camp and i didn't blog about it, so ill do so now... winter camp was pretty sweet. we drove up to north carolina, right outside asheville. it took us around 14 hours to get there. the cabin we stayed in was pretty nice. we had session that night and some pizza at the cabin and went to sleep. the next day we got up early to ski. let me just say, i am a natural at skiing, but just the opposite of that (an unnatural?) at stopping. :) going downhill was no problem, it was just that i was going too fast and couldn't stop, so instead of possibly crushing a small child by the lift, i would take a dive at the end of every run to stop. poor shannon spent most of the first day skiing up behind me and picking up my rogue poles and skis. i ended up going in by late afternoon because you eventually get tired of crashing. but the second day, i braved the mountain again and got the hang of going slow and stopping. it was a lot more fun, i only fell a couple times. the nightly sessions at camp were very cool, i was privileged as a senior to lead out and give communion to the rest of the campers, all of us seniors had time to sit and pray with a few kids that made an impact on our lives. it was moving, and very cool. before you know it, we were back on the bus and on the way home. i enjoyed seeing snow, i enjoyed skiing, and i enjoyed spending time with some of my friends on the mountain. i would grade it a success, mostly because i didnt come back with any broken bones. now i will go back to enjoying my 80 degree weather in january, thank you very much.
winter camp
today was the end of the semester! hallelujah! i took my last couple of finals (i think i did good) then i was done. now, from here on out, i get out everyday at 10 45! woo! it is gonna be pretty cool. but i digress, in a couple of hours, i leave for winter camp with another 50 kids from my church. it should be fun. we're going to north carolina and we're going skiing. now let me say, i've never been skiing before, i've never seen snow before, and frankly i dont like the cold. i could do without it. unless it is 90 degrees outside i avoid opening the refrigerator. but i have put away my hate for the cold for the sake of the rd. (its what we call our student ministry)so tomorrow (after the 15 hour bus ride) i will be flying down the mountain in my borrowed jacket and pants... well, i might be falling down the mountain... but it should be fun either way.
back to the grind
winter break is officially over tomorrow... i go back to school. it is going to be a long day. see, i'm taking a couple classes at the community college here so i can get out of school earlier in the day. i'm taking two classes so i should only have to take 2 at everglades, except broward schools is jacked up and decided to not match up the semesters and they overlap. so for the next two weeks (while the everglades semester ends) i have to go to class all day at everglades, work, and then go to bcc for more class. its gonna be exhausting. but when i get out early next semester and have all that free time, its gonna be sweet. so, i figure if i can get through these next two weeks ill be set. on a side note, i was on my way home tonight and i heard "song of the redeemed" in the car. its a worship song that was featured at our church's summer camp, and man i was taken back (i sound like an old man). all i gotta say is, i miss summer vacation. it was so laid back, i had so much free time, summer camp was awesome, everything seemed new and exciting. i dont know if im gonna make it to summer vacation this year. this year is stinking long, its hard to believe its finally half over, though. all of you who told me that senior year was gonna fly by... you're all liars. well, i should go to bed, since i got school in the morning (ugh!). good night.
p.s.- church was good today, in case you were wondering. cool lesson about the resurrection, the kids seemed to enjoy it.
p.s.- church was good today, in case you were wondering. cool lesson about the resurrection, the kids seemed to enjoy it.
its getting cold in south florida. it was in the 40's and 50's today and is supposed to get even colder tomorrow. my neighbor is predicting snow... that may be a little extreme, but still its really cold. i had to help some people move some furniture today, and being outside in a t shirt and shorts was not a good idea. a word of advice... wrap up.
thats all i got... sorry... no life changing events happened lately. ill let you know when they do, though...
thats all i got... sorry... no life changing events happened lately. ill let you know when they do, though...
happy new years
08's gonna be great. yeah, i know its lame, but it rhymes... anyways its the new year and to sound good i should say i made a resolution to blog more, but i didnt. ill blog when i want to blog and theres nothing you can do about it.:) so its been a while. the holiday season was pretty awesome. Christmas was fun with the family. all my gifts came in, except for my mom's and marge's. i got some t shirts and that kind of good stuff. it was cool. then last weekend i headed out to venice, fl with Shannon and company. we all stayed at her dad's house. it was a lot of fun playing with all the toys over there. (atv, rock band) it was fun to have so much time with Shannon and not be so rushed and busy like we are over here. we were able to kick back and relax a little. its good to be home, i've been doing the usual... basically nothing... watching a lot of football. tomorrow, its back to the grind. i have some homework to do over break, and i have to finish up some scholarship stuff. shouldn't be too bad. if i get it done quick enough, i can just sit in dread of school coming back for the rest of break. woo hoo! only two more weeks and then the new semester starts. itll be a good change of pace. i know coming off of vacation and the changes the new year brings can be stressful, i pray all of you handle it well. just remember, everything works out according to His perfect will. its about time for me to go to bed... in the words of Rev Run... God is love. peace.