
"To whom much is given, much is expected." -Luke 12:48

Spiderman says this in different words, "with great power, comes great responsibility."

It is all the same thing.

All of us are given gifts, things are bestowed upon us that we don't deserve.

We are born into privileged circumstances, or have certain skills and talents that come naturally.

In all cases it is our duty to use those gifts to give back to the world.

If you are wealthy, it is your duty to give monetarily to causes in need.

If you are famous, it is your duty to use your influence to do what is right.

I think that is one responsibility we all have. We all must use our influence to do what is right.

I know it is easy to say these things as a college kid with nothing to really sacrifice.

I am searching.

I am looking and learning for my gifts and how to use them.

I think that's something we should all try to attain.

We all have gifts, and though they are blessings, they come with burdens.

The burden is to use these gifts for the better of all people.

If we all used our gifts for more than ourselves, if we also used them for others, the world would be a better place.

It is a slow change, but changing the culture of the world is one person, one day, at a time.

So I encourage you to start today.

We all have special gifts.

What are yours?

How do you use them?

How can you use them for others?

I'll be exploring the same questions, and looking for the same answers as you.

It's a journey, but with a great goal in mind.

Quick Note

I'm coming up on a rough few weeks. I just took a test, have a quiz in my next class, and a test in the following class. And a paper over the weekend. This is a long day, and I will be glad when its over.

So I'm busy, but I'm sure you are too.

These next three weeks are going to be tough, but then I have spring break, and then it is only a month until summer. And things should be a little more spaced out during that time.

So I can't quite see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I do know that I've been driving through the tunnel for a while and it should be ending soon. Does that make sense?


P.S.- Check out this scary quote I came across:

“Owners of capital will stimulate working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalized, and State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism”
Karl Marx from “Das Kapital”



I don't know how to start this blog really. I feel a little boastful to talk about this. And it is a little emotional, but I hope it helps someone.

I love this time of night. My room mate is out, I have the dorm to myself. Having this time has really made it easy for me to have a better quiet time.

Tonight is just one of those nights. Where God is drawing me close to Him. I have no idea why.

I know I don't deserve it.

It is one of those nights when I can physically feel His presence. It is a chilling yet comforting sensation. I just feel happy. I guess the biblical word would be joyful.

He is reminding me of other times when I felt close to Him, friends that were there with me, and great times of worship.

There are many nights when I feel alone and like my prayers are bouncing off the ceiling. But it's great to have a night like this where I feel close to Him.

These times really intrigue me. I have no idea why some nights I feel like this, and other nights I don't. I don't really understand how it works. There is no formula, or ritual to invoke this. I just appreciate them when they come along.

I don't know if you guys ever physically feel something when you're praying, worshiping, reading your bible, or anything. Whatever it is, I want to know what it's like for you. How does it feel?

Happy Valentine's Day

Guys, remember to get your gifts. You only have one day left. It's bad news, if you think that Valentine's Day isn't a big deal and you're partner will understand if you don't get her anything. BAD MOVE! Go get something. I'll wait...



Well for V-Day, Shannon came up to Gainesville. We are going to have a picnic on the lake and rent a canoe, and go out on the water for a bit. Then we're going to check out this nature trail because Shannon thinks we will see a bison.

We'll go out to dinner tonight to miss the crowds, and it should be a great weekend.

Right now we are celebrating by doing laundry!

Well, I'm doing laundry and she's taking a nap.

Fair enough, they are my clothes.

But anyways, I digress.

Happy Valentine's Day.