brain drain

this week is going pretty good, i got a lot of random stuff on my mind, i figured i'd share.

-sawgrass had over 300 people in back to back weeks for the first time, that was pretty cool. our student ministry is growing too, some new leaders are stepping up which is always awesome to see.

-school is school, but it is ok. english was short today, and my professor really liked my paper, so thats good. my other paper is about the effect of hall of fame quarterbacks on multiple super bowl wins, so i don't think she will like it as much.

-today was busy, i felt like i traveled the world. i had to run errands and it took almost 3 hours, but i got a lot done. valentines day is only a couple of days away? guys, are you prepared? i still have to work out the final logistics, but it should all be good.

-shannon started flag football today, so she is dead. poor kid does so much, but i am proud of her, shes the hardest working and most driven person i know.

-tomorrow is free pancake day at ihop, go get yourself a free short stack.

-i found a cool verse that spoke to me especially at this stage in life where kids can get too caught up in what their grades are, what car they drive, where their girl is going, whos hanging out with who, i dont know, i think it is pretty applicable: "a relaxed attitude lengthens life; jealousy rots it away" -Proverbs 14:30

-so people, relax.