sweet spot

the plan was to come on here and share something deep and insightful, but i guess i just wasn't in the right mindset. i was feeling a little down, not a lot, but a little. and i was reading the word and just thinking who am i to advise anyone else? who am i to analyze scripture, to teach at church, to do anything like that? i realize i am nobody, but its God through me who does these things. just saying things like that gives me a big head, its so hard to find humility. i really am trying. i'm starting to think how people in important positions must feel. they have to deal with their own sense of inadequacy, yet try and fight off pride in the same moment. its not logical on paper until you've felt it. i guess its impossible to be in that sweet spot everyday, but i'm gonna try. not that i do anything important yet, but i have some plans. this whole life thing takes time to build and get right i guess. hmm... maybe i was in the right mindset to get a little deep.


Garland Robertson said...

You are somebody!
You are who God created you to be.
Give Him the credit and go for it.
Look at your boy "Tebow"!
You know I am not a Gator fan but you can't help loving and respecting this guy.
You are somebody and you're somebody that we love and respect.
Thanks for who you are!!!

I just wish all the other Gator fans were like you than they might be easier to like.
Well, just a little???

Jesse Acosta said...

Craiger!!!! bro God has some big plans for you man. You are on the right track because all we do is because he has given us the capacity to do it. No other reason bro as long as you give him the glory you will be good to go..

God bless,

Anonymous said...

Craiger, it is powerful to think that God wants to use us to make a difference, but the important thing is knowing that it is him living in us who does it like you said. When you strive to honor him with your life by being faithful in all you do and move in the direction he is leading you will find that even when you don't realize it you are in the sweet spot, right where he wants you, developing you into the person he created you to be and using you to do things that remind us that he is God and we are blessed.
Keep it up your in the sweet spot.

Love you bro.

Jenn and I miss you and your family and send you our love.