home and back again

so i went home this weekend. i dipped earlier than expected because i had mid terms, so a couple of classes were canceled. i went down and surprised shannon, it was pretty good, i got her to go outside expecting to see a comet, but instead she got me. so i just sat in her dorm for a couple of days while she went to class, and then we went home on thursday night. it was fun, but definitely busier being home than in gainesville. i got to hang out with my family, and my little nieces. i was surprised how big they'd gotten since i left, especially kayla's head (its ginormous). i hung out at church a lot, got to see theRUSH and help out. i even saw sawgrass youth doing theRUSH and it looked good. the kids seemed excited and going to one service has definitely created a lot of energy. i left today, which is always a horrible day. leaving day is emotional and generally sad. but i made the long drive back up to school and realized how different it is.

its weird, i feel at home in gainesville, relaxed and adjusted. but its still not home. i guess it never will be. going home this weekend wore me out more than if i would have stayed up here. but there was a lot of positives from going home. looking back this weekend wasn't as "easy" as i thought it would be. i was busy, had to see a lot of people, experienced a few changes, and had some hard conversations. but i think i'm the better for it. me and shannon really grew closer this trip and had some important conversations. stuff that we'll both have to adjust to, but will make us stronger. life is full of adjustment. its not always easy, but we can always rely on God to ease our burdens. i'm trying to stay focused on Him, i know i say that a lot. but i feel like every day you have to renew yourself and refocus on where He is at work. i'm starting to ramble, time for me to get off.