camp part 2

hey guys,

i just got back from high school camp a couple of days ago. it was busy. we would go to breakfast, morning session, games, lunch, jump rope, dinner, night session, games, bed. yeah... we jumped a lot of rope. for over 5 1/2 hours we tried to get all 96 people through without screwing up. it was hard, but in the end it was justified. i wish we would have more FRC only time and games because Scot really pushed us. it was cool to watch some kids grow emotionally, spiritually, and as a team. one cool moment was when God laid it on my heart to pray for a certain person who normally doesn't come to mind right when i bow my head. sure enough after about 5 minutes, they got up and grabbed a rock which symbolized theyre commitment to follow Christ. it was cool how prayer was answered right there. it was definitely worth it, so anyone on the fence, please trust me, and go!


Jesse Acosta said...

it was a fun time craig!!! love ya

God bless,

Anonymous said...

that was an awesome story of prayer. I read it while waiting for the surgeon. God is amazing and to witness Him work right there in front of you reminds me of the book 90 minutes in heaven.

chad said...

that's what Matt did for you. you're a testimony to that. thanks for the comment