back home from the down home

i drove back up to gainesville monday. luckily missing most of the holiday traffic, the day before. thanksgiving was great. as a broke college student, there are very few things that make me more excited than lots of free food. so i pigged out on turkey and hung out with my family all weekend. i spent a lot of time with shannon, and watched her sing at theRUSH. she has some serious talent, i know i'm biased, but still. after thanksgiving, our family turns right around in support of the next holiday. we went out and got our christmas tree, and decked out the house in lights. its fun for the first 10 minutes, then you just kind of want to be done. but it looks good. but like i said, i drove up to g ville the next day, and had classes all tuesday. now is my day off, and i'm studying for finals coming up. its weird to think that my first college semester is already in the books, and how i'm so used to this lifestyle after a few months. its really not too bad, and its only going to get better. thats about all thats going on in my life. i plan to update on a random topic sometime later this week, if i get around to it. thanks for reading.


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