The Gift Revolution part 2

I'm continuing the Revolution!

Craig, 18, Gainesville, US

I was going to the bookstore today to pick up a study guide for one of my classes. This is a big class, with several hundred students in it, and this is the best study guide. Plus, with finals next week, these things are flying off the shelf. So I picked two up, and when I went to pay, I asked the cashier if she would do me a favor and give one of the study guides I just paid for and a TGR card to the next person looking to buy that study guide. She was a little confused at first and asked, "You want to give one away?" I told her I did, and then she went on about how nice that was. I told her I was just trying to make the world a better place and to check out the website. I hope this helps someone in my class and they pass it on.