late knight out

so today i got the chance to go to the silver knights award ceremony. its some community service/academic thing put on by the miami herald. anyways, i came home empty handed. the girl that won in my category discovered some peptide in poisonous sea snails that helped people with pain disorders... yeah. i actually didn't pull off a consolation paper because the lady passing them out didn't think i was a nominee based on my casual attire (since when was a dress shirt, jeans, and a pair of nikes not acceptable?) regardless, it was pretty neat seeing all of those overachievers in one place. you can tell those kids are going to go places. it got me thinking about leadership and the importance of drive and passion.

i think that leadership is a gift, but we can also work on it. sometimes it can also feel like a switch that is turned on. i know i am perfectly content to just sit back and watch the action unfold, but if i see a group in need of leadership and realize that i won't be stepping on any toes, i'll come in and "flip the switch" and take control. i think many people assume that they are too shy to be a leader, or that they don't have that gift. i think that enough drive or passion can make you a great leader, even if you are a natural introvert. many times, people just need someone with some direction or goal in mind. i'm sure that sometime in your life, you will have to come out of your comfort zone and lead out on something. i challenge anyone out there who is maybe quiet or shy to find their voice and step in the next time they sense they have an opportunity to lead. remember, moses couldn't even speak in public, he had to go through his brother aaron, but he turned out to be a pretty good leader. one day, you'll have to lead, you might as well start now. the younger the better, especially if you are a student. i know many places in student ministry that need leadership with the exit of the graduating class. that just means more opportunities for you to step up and leave a mark.


Shannon said...

nice title...

Anonymous said...

good stuff man.... i was the shy guy that never liked to talk in infront of class when i had a report... today i lean.... and today im preaching at night for christ infront of 300-500 people... crazy what happens when you step out of your comfort zone...

God bless man :D

Anonymous said...

i mean lead... not lean lol lol


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you!


leahbeah said...
