Happy Valentine's Day

Guys, remember to get your gifts. You only have one day left. It's bad news, if you think that Valentine's Day isn't a big deal and you're partner will understand if you don't get her anything. BAD MOVE! Go get something. I'll wait...



Well for V-Day, Shannon came up to Gainesville. We are going to have a picnic on the lake and rent a canoe, and go out on the water for a bit. Then we're going to check out this nature trail because Shannon thinks we will see a bison.

We'll go out to dinner tonight to miss the crowds, and it should be a great weekend.

Right now we are celebrating by doing laundry!

Well, I'm doing laundry and she's taking a nap.

Fair enough, they are my clothes.

But anyways, I digress.

Happy Valentine's Day.


Samantha Watson said...

She was really excited about seeing a bison.