My Favorite Verse

So I've been thinking about the future a lot lately.

I've been thinking about what I am going to do.

I feel like I was called into the ministry about last summer. I prayed hard for a purpose, for what God had in mind for me. After months of pleading with Him, He finally gave me the nudge that I was going to be a pastor.

So that's what I took. I am really excited about this calling, but with it comes a lot of nerves. The bible says that teachers will be judged more harshly. It is a lot of responsibility, speaking on behalf of God to people, one I don't take lightly. I also feel that if I'm going to be a spiritual leader, I have to get my spiritual game tight. This can sometimes intensify my guilt when I stumble over certain sins that I find hard to overcome. But these are thoughts for another blog.

This blog, like this country, is about money.

I've always been blessed that school comes easy to me, and with a lot of schooling comes a lot of opportunities. Sometimes these can be tempting. Not in a bad way, but a way that takes my focus from God.

For instance, I should get my degree, go fully into ministry, do His work, and be satisfied. But the human flesh is greedy. So instead, I could change my major, do something like law school, get out and make bank.

This doesn't pull on me from a pure greed stand point. I've never been about making the most money. This pulls on me because of all the things that having money opens up. I could buy a house, start a family, create a comfortable situation for those around me. It would also set up my family for the next generation. To take the opportunities my parents sacrificed for and make something, to see the Stephens' family go from lower class to upper class in two generations would be a something to be proud of.

None of that is bad, but I don't feel that is God's plan for me.

I've been tempted, thought about giving in. I thought of pursuing the big bucks so I could live the good life.

But God keeps steering me back to the verse He laid on my heart years ago.

Matthew 16:26
"What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? And what can one man gain in exchange for his soul?"

To me, that sums it up.

I want God over the world.

He thankfully keeps reminding me of that.

I want to fill my soul instead of chasing riches.

I've reaffirmed that I'm going to go down the path of ministry. I feel led there right now, things might change, but that is not up to me. I've decided to keep going down this path as long as God is leading me there.

Sure, there is money I'm missing out on, and it isn't a surefire corporate ladder. But I will be feeding my soul. If people don't think that is a smart choice, then that is a small sacrifice I'll have to make for Him. But if God takes care of the birds in the trees, won't He look after us that much more?


Anonymous said...

About 18 years ago, a little boy was dedicated to the Lord at Stanton Memorial Baptist Church. His whole family was up there with him. This little boy was a complete miracle. For six years his parents struggled to conceive and when they did they were thrilled. However, the labor did not go as planned. The baby's heart stopped three times during delivery and the parents were told he might not make it. If he did- he would have cerebal palsy. So, his father was forced from the delivery room and fell to his knees in the waiting room. He shouted to God to save his little boy and his wife. He cried out to God in front of a room full of people. God delivered- and against all the odds, the baby was completely PERFECT. Ten months later, at his dedication, the baby would NOT stop talking. He was babbling so much that the preacher stopped the dedication and said- "Well, I think this little boy is going to be a preacher." Everyone chuckled. That baby's big sister took special notice of what the pastor said. So she was not surprised when he felt called into the ministry 18 years later- because she would always remember how God had placed His mighty hand on him from his first breath.

Go big little brother.

Sandra said...

Craig, we will be praying for you. If you remember what Uncle Mike said to Charlie at Charlie's ordination--"If God calls you to be a preacher, don't stoop to be a king." He also told Chad at that time, "If God calls you to be an accountant, don't stoop to be a preacher." It is a high calling, and God won't forsake you. Your needs will be taken care of. Love you.
Aunt Sandra

Jesse Acosta said...

Matthew 16:26
"What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? And what can one man gain in exchange for his soul?"

u gotta it before i could tell u the verse bro.. very proud of how mature in Christ you are becoming and wellcome to the Pastor calling :)

i just finished up new testament class... dude ur going to love it!

Anonymous said...

If the wicked man will give his children all they want and more, then think of how much more our God will give us. You are immensely blessed because you are adhering to His calling for your life and as a sharer of the Gospel, the Lord will most definitely take care of you. More than what being a lawyer could ever give.
Matthew 6:33
"seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you."

God Bless