

I don't know how to start this blog really. I feel a little boastful to talk about this. And it is a little emotional, but I hope it helps someone.

I love this time of night. My room mate is out, I have the dorm to myself. Having this time has really made it easy for me to have a better quiet time.

Tonight is just one of those nights. Where God is drawing me close to Him. I have no idea why.

I know I don't deserve it.

It is one of those nights when I can physically feel His presence. It is a chilling yet comforting sensation. I just feel happy. I guess the biblical word would be joyful.

He is reminding me of other times when I felt close to Him, friends that were there with me, and great times of worship.

There are many nights when I feel alone and like my prayers are bouncing off the ceiling. But it's great to have a night like this where I feel close to Him.

These times really intrigue me. I have no idea why some nights I feel like this, and other nights I don't. I don't really understand how it works. There is no formula, or ritual to invoke this. I just appreciate them when they come along.

I don't know if you guys ever physically feel something when you're praying, worshiping, reading your bible, or anything. Whatever it is, I want to know what it's like for you. How does it feel?