Spring Semester

Last week, I made it back up to Gainesville for the Spring Semester. By the end of my two week break I was actually missing school a little. Not for the classwork but for the atmosphere, the people, being out on my own, and the sleep. After two weeks of constant visiting and just busyness, I missed all the sleep I get here. At this point, I couldn't imagine going to school anywhere else, and really like it. If Shannon was up here with me, and I found an awesome church, there would be nothing keeping me away from this town.

Plus, the Gators just won the National Championship in football, so I feel privileged to be going to the only school that could have that celebration this year. It was insanity up here, celebrations in the streets just turned into huge mosh pits, but it was a lot of fun. It's good for my degree, because admission standards keep getting higher with every National Championship. Sad, but true.

I went to church today and was not impressed by anything it really had to offer and decided that I'm not going to settle just because I'm worried people will think I'm picky. I hope to find a place where I can get something out of going to that church, even if that something is that the church is reaching a lot of people. I wasn't even getting that today. So, I'm still on the hunt for a place where God is visibly at work and I can join in. It is hard moving from a church where I was actively involved and made a lot of close friendships to a new place with new people. But I haven't lost hope.

I guess that's all that is going on. My classes are okay. As good as they can be, and don't look to be too rough. My schedule is great, with a lot of down time. That is awesome.

I'm about to have a floor meeting, so I'm out. I have something else to post on afterwards.