My Favorite Verse

So I've been thinking about the future a lot lately.

I've been thinking about what I am going to do.

I feel like I was called into the ministry about last summer. I prayed hard for a purpose, for what God had in mind for me. After months of pleading with Him, He finally gave me the nudge that I was going to be a pastor.

So that's what I took. I am really excited about this calling, but with it comes a lot of nerves. The bible says that teachers will be judged more harshly. It is a lot of responsibility, speaking on behalf of God to people, one I don't take lightly. I also feel that if I'm going to be a spiritual leader, I have to get my spiritual game tight. This can sometimes intensify my guilt when I stumble over certain sins that I find hard to overcome. But these are thoughts for another blog.

This blog, like this country, is about money.

I've always been blessed that school comes easy to me, and with a lot of schooling comes a lot of opportunities. Sometimes these can be tempting. Not in a bad way, but a way that takes my focus from God.

For instance, I should get my degree, go fully into ministry, do His work, and be satisfied. But the human flesh is greedy. So instead, I could change my major, do something like law school, get out and make bank.

This doesn't pull on me from a pure greed stand point. I've never been about making the most money. This pulls on me because of all the things that having money opens up. I could buy a house, start a family, create a comfortable situation for those around me. It would also set up my family for the next generation. To take the opportunities my parents sacrificed for and make something, to see the Stephens' family go from lower class to upper class in two generations would be a something to be proud of.

None of that is bad, but I don't feel that is God's plan for me.

I've been tempted, thought about giving in. I thought of pursuing the big bucks so I could live the good life.

But God keeps steering me back to the verse He laid on my heart years ago.

Matthew 16:26
"What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? And what can one man gain in exchange for his soul?"

To me, that sums it up.

I want God over the world.

He thankfully keeps reminding me of that.

I want to fill my soul instead of chasing riches.

I've reaffirmed that I'm going to go down the path of ministry. I feel led there right now, things might change, but that is not up to me. I've decided to keep going down this path as long as God is leading me there.

Sure, there is money I'm missing out on, and it isn't a surefire corporate ladder. But I will be feeding my soul. If people don't think that is a smart choice, then that is a small sacrifice I'll have to make for Him. But if God takes care of the birds in the trees, won't He look after us that much more?

My Previous Blog

My last blog generated some feedback with a difference of opinion.

Check out the comment section.

I'd like to hear from you too.

The Benefits of Atheism?

Simply put, what are the benefits of atheism?

You live your life with no one watching out for you, no one caring about you, no one making you part of their plan.

Then you die, and that's it?

That's all there is?

Can someone explain to me why anyone would be an atheist?

I understand some people have hang ups about the church, or about certain things that have been done under the banner of "religion," but what does atheism have to offer?

If you look at your life on a singular, personal level, I just don't see the benefit.

I know many atheists that say they are too rational to believe in God, too logical to believe in the hocus pocus of religion.

You are too rational to avoid universal evidence that puts doubts in all of our beliefs?

So you stick to your atheist guns?


Why would you turn away from a loving, caring God that wants the best for you, that accepts everyone, that is the definition of love?

What is so alluring about atheism, and why would you try to convince me to change my ways?

Why would you try to make me give up my faith in a better world and loving God and join the ranks of an atheist and believe in nothing?

If this is it, and there is nothing more to live for, why would I want to be a part of that?

I just don't see the upside of atheism or the downside of believing in God.

Maybe I just don't have enough faith to be an atheist.

The Cry of the Oppressed

I've been reading this book by Rob Bell called Jesus Came to Save Christians, and it talks a lot about how when people are desperate and cry out, God hears them. He hears the cry of the oppressed. The book looks at Israel, when they were in slavery in Egypt and cried out to God, he sent Moses and delivered them. When they reached the promised land, and set up shop they got fat and happy. They were prosperous as God said, but the people and Solomon got, as my dad says, "too big for their britches." They forgot God, they began building a vast military, enslaving people to build temples to God. They had it all wrong, so God sent Babylon in to take them over. When were they delivered from Babylon? When they were oppressed and cried out.

It is easy to make the analogy to crying out in our everyday life. When we have God and have nothing else, we cry out to Him out of pure desperation. He delivers. It is not that we have to be desperate it's just that we have to know we need Him, and a lot of times we don't realize that until we are desperate.

I'm going to take another step and saying that our churches need to cry out. When church leaders aren't disturbed about the pain in the world. When people forget about the oppressed, when they don't think of helping the sick and needy, I argue they lose passion and drive. Being a pastor just becomes a job. I pray church leaders remember God's original call to them. They remember when He drew them to the ministry. They remember the people they wanted to help, the difference they wanted to make in the world. When a church is desperate to breakthrough, make an impact, and change the world you can tell. When it is about more than self help, balancing your check book, losing weight, and making life easier, it works. When the church is about helping the poor, needy, oppressed, hungry, and spiritually forsaken it is at its best. When a church collectively cries out for God to use them, He will deliver.

Spring Semester

Last week, I made it back up to Gainesville for the Spring Semester. By the end of my two week break I was actually missing school a little. Not for the classwork but for the atmosphere, the people, being out on my own, and the sleep. After two weeks of constant visiting and just busyness, I missed all the sleep I get here. At this point, I couldn't imagine going to school anywhere else, and really like it. If Shannon was up here with me, and I found an awesome church, there would be nothing keeping me away from this town.

Plus, the Gators just won the National Championship in football, so I feel privileged to be going to the only school that could have that celebration this year. It was insanity up here, celebrations in the streets just turned into huge mosh pits, but it was a lot of fun. It's good for my degree, because admission standards keep getting higher with every National Championship. Sad, but true.

I went to church today and was not impressed by anything it really had to offer and decided that I'm not going to settle just because I'm worried people will think I'm picky. I hope to find a place where I can get something out of going to that church, even if that something is that the church is reaching a lot of people. I wasn't even getting that today. So, I'm still on the hunt for a place where God is visibly at work and I can join in. It is hard moving from a church where I was actively involved and made a lot of close friendships to a new place with new people. But I haven't lost hope.

I guess that's all that is going on. My classes are okay. As good as they can be, and don't look to be too rough. My schedule is great, with a lot of down time. That is awesome.

I'm about to have a floor meeting, so I'm out. I have something else to post on afterwards.