Give Up

I've had a few things laid on my heart this past week, and to be honest with you, I'm not sure how they are connected. So excuse this post if it seems like a jumble of ideas, but I have to share this stuff.

"He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less." -John 3:30

That is one of my girlfriend's favorite verses, and it is a great verse.

It simply states our goal as followers of Christ.

It has to become all about Him.

This simple principle is so hard to live by, for me. It's MY life, MY future, MY plans. It's ironic that I have no trouble trusting God with something as big as eternity, but I struggle to trust Him with my finances, my classes, my job, and my future.

We worry about these things because it's all about us, we're worried about how we're going to handle these problems that life presents.

The truth is, we can't handle everything. We sure try, but it comes out worse than if we would have let God handle it.

You have to keep coming back to John 3:30, "He MUST become more and more, and I MUST become less and less."

This isn't a suggestion.

Look at the language, this is urgent.

The Bible says that when we are weak, He is strong.

Over and over and over again the Bible tells us to let go.

Trust God with all aspects of your life.

Don't let worrying rot you away.

Give it to God.

Let Him become more and more in your life.

I don't know what that means to you, what areas in your life that you're telling God, "I got this."

I know its not an easy thing to do, and you don't want to trust God with certain things because you just don't see how He can fix it.

All I can say is that we also see in the Bible that insight follows obedience.

Most of us want it the other way around.

God, you show me how You are going to help me, and I will give this problem up to you.

God wants us to go out on faith, give up ourselves to Him, our problems and worries, and on the other side of obedience, after you have let God do his thing, we will understand.

"He MUST become more and more, and I MUST become less and less."


Garland Robertson said...

Great word Craig.
Looking forward to you coming home for the summer.