home alone

so my parents decided to go to the keys this weekend and leave me in charge of the house. woo, party! just kidding, in fact, its been a more laid back weekend than when they're here. i spent friday doing some unrequested yard work, i figure itll make my dad happy that the hedge was trimmed without him asking. then i got real crazy and rented a movie with shannon. needless to say, ive had a lot of free time. its been neat though, its given me time to read over Acts and Romans this weekend. i love these two books because one, its a refreshing break from my quest to conquer the old testament, and two, theyre such easily applicable books to everyday life. they're often overlooked with most of the focus on the early new testament going to the Gospels (rightfully so) but these books give just as much comfort, wisdom, and training. maybe thats not the case everywhere, but at least it is for me. i feel like ive read the Gospels far more than say, Acts. so i still have some time to kill before church, so i plan on watching the kentucky-LSU game, but i just wanted to sell you on reading some different books of the Bible. :) Kentucky is on the 15 yard line, i gotta go.


Jamie said...

Go Dolphins!