no work done, but totally worth it

so today was another great day of summer, makes me wish it would never end, but i guess i have to. i rolled out of bed and went with avery and OG to get their parking permit, which they ended up not getting. but i got to see my old physics teacher, and said hey to him. then we got some delicious chic-fil-a. then i came home, and walked right out the door to go see transformers with drew. it was good, but my friends had hyped it up too much. i dont know how a movie can still pack out a theater 5 weeks after its opened. that was unexpected. but after the movie, i hopped in the shower and went and picked up shannon. we had some good eats at the olive garden, or the OG, as i like to call it (no relation to my friend orlando gutierrez, the previously stated OG.) then we walked the mall a little bit, rented a movie, and watched it at her place. it was a great, relaxing day. i had a lot of fun.