i can feel it

school is getting closer. dang. today i had to go to everglades and get my parking permit, 65 bucks down the drain just for a square of asphalt. then i came home and worked on some of my summer work with ramos. i got a lot done, then i took a nap. woke up to shannon's call, went over there for supper with the family, had some good chicken, watched some junk mtv shows on the couch and came home. i wish every day could be as chill as this. im gonna miss summer. i still have a lot to do, but im trying not to worry about it and just give it up to God. its hard at times, cause i want to take control. but itll be alright. now its almost time for bed, tomorrow should be quite a day with pete's "graduation party." remember to keep his family in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

junk shows, excuse me?!