a slightly more optimistic rant

i was eating dinner today and talking to my family.
politics came up, and a lot of people had a lot of different ideas.
who knows where this election is going? right now its wide open.
but me and my sister got flak for being idealistic. i just dont understand some people. there are so many problems in the world and we're born into a land of oppurtunities. millions are being slaughtered in sudan, children are killing each other in uganda, people are having natural freedoms withheld by oppressive governments in places like china, unborn babies die here everyday. and what do we do? nothing.
its ridiculous, we're given everything yet we sit around and turn away from the problems in the world, because it doesnt affect us.
me included, i dont do nearly enough.
people ask who are we to interfere? why is it our responsibility?
it shouldnt be our responsibility, its the world's responsibility to step in on matters like this, but we have no strong international organization where we can talk things out with threatened countries on even footing, or any strong international organization that can take charge. the UN doesnt have the power it needs to be the world's police.
so we have to spearhead change.
america, and idealists like you and me.
im tired of the polarizing politics in this country, the media controlling what we think and blaring out the extremes of the political spectrum, im tired of lobbyists and corporations buying our senators and congressman. im tired of the whole system.
im not suggesting anarchy or anything. but im sure there are many other reasonable and moderate people out there that are sick of this corrupt two party system.
i dont know what to do.
come start a centrist party with me.
together, we can change the world.
i know i sound like a hippie, but change needs to start somewhere, and why not here, with us?
we could be the grassroots.
its one world, and we can make a difference.
in fact, we have to make a difference.