an old rant

well, ive been thinking lately. how much we're ripped off in the world. mechanics, ac repair men, oil companies. its not right. i really got mad that these big companies are just lining their own pockets with money and jacking up prices for all of us. and i was thinking what could put a stop to it. naturally, i think the government, and then i realize no, they cant. did you know being brought up in the education system here, not once did a teacher suggest i write to a congressman to tell him about some of our problems and what we want him to do for us. ive been raised just knowing he has the power, why would he listen to us. ive been taught that my voice has no say. we freakin elected him! he's supposed to represent us, but he doesnt. he doesnt represent the people he ran for, or even his own platform, he runs for himself and the lobbyists that paid for his campaign that in turn got him into office. and who pays the lobbyists? the big corporations. so they basically own the government. and who in the government is going to bite the hands that feeds them and stand up for us and stop the raping increases in prices? no one. it makes me sick. theres just so much wrong with the system. bring back teddy roosevelt and some trustbusting or something. now, i love my country and am probably one of the biggest patriots you will meet, but i know its not perfect, theres way to improve it. we need to take business out of the white house. why does everything revolve around the bottom line? i guess money is the root of all evil, huh? i dont know. i dont have the answers. but w/e. theres my liberal rant. and you know, with my conservative views on social issues... i'm a man without a home. what party do i turn to? lol. whatever, we'll see how things work out. i'm just letting off steam. so on that note, good day!