divine appointment

today, after school, i was walking around a plaza on pines blvd., i had just reapplied to publix (long wait for a job there) and i was walking back to my car. as i crossed the sidewalk, the man in front of me turned around and said, "good news friend, did you know that Jesus Christ died for you?" i replied elegantly with "yeah, i know." (give me a break i was caught off guard). anyways, it turns out this guy wasn't some crazy nut on the side of the road, but a real smart, spiritual guy. his name was james and he was a street evangelist. he said he had just got off the greyhound bus and was walking around when he felt the Holy Spirit nudge him to talk to me. now you have to understand, its hard to convey how cool this encounter was. it wasn't some dude just telling me the Gospel, it was some real life stuff we talked about. i have been praying for a long time now for direction and finding God's will for my life. and i was praying for some answers and at least the next step to be revealed to me. and you don't get any plainer of a sign than this guy crossing my path. it was weird, he hit the nail on the head of everything without me even telling him (the power of God is amazing). he could sense the Holy Spirit in me. when i told him i went to flamingo road church, he said that they have a real good spirit over there because he could tell something special in the people around this area that go to flamingo and Christ the rock. but i went on to tell him what i did in church and about my ministry and about my doubts for the future. now this guy didn't tell me anything really new, but he did reinstate what i needed to do. he told me that i need to commit to follow Christ completely. 100% Jesus, 0% world. (sounds simple, huh?) i told him i was debating the possibilities of the future and whether i should go into a field like business or political science or to go into youth ministry. and he really encouraged me to go into ministry. it was just a really cool encounter and the chances are so small that all of this happened it makes your head spin. i mean this guy happened to be right there when i was walking out to the parking lot, and he just happened to answer some questions that had been nagging me for a while, and he just happened to know all these blessings i'd been given. it was real cool. its hard to explain that its not as crazy as it sounds. it's late and i cant remember everything that was said, and im sure someone could probably tell the story better but it wasn't some doomsdayist on the street corner telling all the harlots to repent, it was real life stuff. or as a friend of mine likes to say, real talk. it was just an awesome experience. i know he wasn't an angel or anything cause he said so. but it was still a really cool divine intervention and a nice unscheduled divine appointment. now i'm reaffirmed, i just need to figure out the next step on my way to serving God. so if you see this guy james in his moccasins on the side of the road, tell him craig says thanks.